Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

328 The L IFE of the Of the Catechifm. Catechifm. t Quef. W Hat is your Name, errs. VV 2 Queff. Who gave you that Name ? Anfllp fobfatberD i5ob, motijer0 to mpSapttfm. 3 Que(t. What did your Godfathers and Godmothers do foryou in Baptifm ? z Anf. 3n mp lBaptífm, tntjerein 3 tnao maBe a tLbtin of coo, a Member of Q ijiitt, anti an 3Intjeti. for ofdie tbtttgbbm of leaben. Of the Rehearfal of theTen Com- mandments. to Ant 9gp tutp totnatbO Cob io to beliebe in bim, g. 54Queft. How manySacraments hath Christ ordained, &c? Ant Ottiro onip, ao genetaiip ne tetfatp to eatbatton. 19 Quel?. What is required of Perfons to be Baptized ? nC iepcntance, Merck) tbep foifake fin, ant fattij, tutjerettp tbep 1letfattip beiíebe thePiontifett otsf OD, 20 Quell. Why then are Infants bap- tized when by maim of ther tenderAge they cannot perform them ? Anf: @di t tbep Da perform bp tbett sutrtteo , tubo plomtte anti bob, tijent both in tbeit .aflame% Exception. WE delire thefe three firft Quelli- ons may be altered ; conhidering that the far greater number of Perfons Baptized within thefe Twenty years half pall, had no Godfathers or Godmothers at their Baptifm : The like to be done in the feventh Queftion. We conceive it might be more fafely expreffed thus ;- Wherein I was vifibly ad- mittedinto the number of the Member, of Chrift, the Children of God, and the Heìr, (rather than Inheritors) of the Kingdom of Heaven. We delire that the Commandments be inferted according to the NewTranfla- tion of the Bible. In this Anfwer there teems to be par- ticular refpe& to the feveral Command- ments of the firft Table, as in the follow. ing Anfwer to thofe of the fecond. And therefore we defire it may be advifedup- on, whether to the Taft word of this An- fwer may not be added [ particularly on the Lord's day] otherwife there being no. thing in all this Anfwer that refers to the fourth Commandment. That thefe words may be omitted,and Anfwer thus given ; 7wo only , Baptifm and the Lord', Supper. We defire that the entring Infants in- to God's Covenant may be more wari- ly expreffed, and that the words may not teem to found their Baptifm upon a really atlreal Faith and Repentance of their own; and we defire that a promifè may not be taken for apertrmanee offach Faith andRepentance : and efpecially,that it be not afferted, that they perform thefe by the promife of their Sureties, it being to. the Seed of Believers that the Covenant of God is made ; and not (that we can find) to all that that have fach believing Sureties, whoare neither Parenre,nor Pro- parents of the Child. In the general we obferve, That the Doetrine of the Sacraments which was ad- ded upon the Conference at Hampton-Court, is much more fully and particularly delivered than the other parts of the Catechifm, in lhort Anfwers fitted to the me. monies of Children, and thereuponwe offerit to be confidered : Whether there fhould not be a more diltin& and full Explication of the Creed, the Commandments,and the Lord's Prayer. Secondly, Whether it were not convenient to add (what teems to be wanting ) fomewhar particularly concerning the Nature of Faith , of Repentance", the two Covenants, ofJuftification, San&ification, Adoption, and Regeneration. Of