P A K T II: Reverend Mr. RichardBaxter. 329 Of Confirmation. The lait Rubrick before theCatechifm. BDthat no an fiait think A abat anp Detriment thancome to Mullen bp Deferring of their Confirmation,- he Matt knot) fog truth, that it tg Certain bp 0)11'0 woo, that Chil.Dnett being úaptt, ;e0, babe ait tljmgD neceifarp lot th itCal atton, anD be unDonbt A Lthough we charitably fuppofe the meaning of thefe words was only to exclude the neceetyof any other Sacra- ments to baptized Infants; yet thefewords are dangerous as to the mifleading of the Vulgar, and therefore we delire they may be expunged. Rubrick after the Catechifm. ß,ío faon au the¢bttnlen can lap We conceivethat it is not a fufficient in their t 3Other,tOngue the lint, qualification for Confirmation,that le Chil- cieO of the faith, the ILO2Dfi ap. dren be ablememorizer to repeat the Ar- et, gut thefen commanDhtento, tides of the Faith, commonly called,the alto can autism fueh other filuefft Apoftles Creed, the Lord's Prayer, and ong of tl) íD Iholt gtateçljifm, (K. the TenCommandments , and to an- then than thep be brought to the fwer to fome ()me nsof this ¡tort Ca- Taboo, Dr. anD the 113tthap tbali techifm ; for it is often found that Chit- Confirm them dren are able to do all thisat four or five yearsold. Idly, It croffeswhat is faid in the third Reafon of the firlt Rubrick before Confirmation, concerning the ufage of the Church in times paff, ordaining that Confirmation fhould be míniftred unto them that were ofperfeet Age, that they being inftruâed in the Chrillian Religi- on, fhould openly profefs their ownFaith, and promife tobe obedient to the Will of God. And therefore(3dly), we delire that none may be Confirmed but ac- cording to hisMajelly's Declaration, viz. That Confirmation be rightly and folemnly performedby the Information, and with the Confetti of the Minifler ofthe place. Rubrick after the Catechifm. 2!Lhen ¡ball tijep be brought t0 the This feems to bring in another fort of Tifirap by one that Mail be hig Godfathers and Godmothers, befides eotfatber, of BoDmotlbet. tlrofe made ufe of inBaptifm and we feeno need eitherof the one, or the o- ther. The Prayer before the Impofition of Hands. MOhaft boutljfafet tO' regen= This fuppofeth that all the Children rate tbefethe eserbantu byWater whoare brought to be confirmed, have aim the ¡oipOhoff, aun haft giben the Spirit ofCbrifl, and the forgiveneß of unto them the feigiuenfls Of ate all their fine :Whereas a great number of their I WO. Children at that Age , having commit- ted many fins finte their Baptifin, do lliewno Evkdenceof ferious, Repentance, or of any fpeeiat SarinGrace And therefore this Confirmation (if adminiftted to fucb) would eb a perillous andgroO Abufe. 74,ir.,, af',L w°1. /v , y'' ar.,-_ //.. ,c,..<,rl .. 7cPn.., / /,f. m,r timbrick before the Impofition of Hands. Chen the 'Ä3ilbop fijail lap bfgl This feems to put ahigher value up- Iattb on eberp ChM] fellerallp. on Confirmation, thenupon Baptifm or the Lord's Supper ; for accordingto the Rubrick and Order in the Common -Prayer-Book , every Deacon may Baptize , omsl every Minifter may confecrateandadminifter the Lord's Supper, but the Bi- fhop only, may Confirm. V r The