Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

33o iheLIFE of the The Prayer after Impofition ofHands. GIe make our humble iiuppitca,. Winounto thee WI tljefeChi1Dlen; upon Whom, after the (trample of tiny fpolp apoillei, toe babe latD our LIB.I We delire that the Pra&iceof the A. ponies may not be alledged as a ground ofthis Impofition of Hands for the Con- firmation of Children, both becaufe the panto, to cettine them bP tIJtD Apoftles did never ufè it in that Cafe, as tá+tgn of ttjp $none ano gfaetouO a1(ò becaufe the Articles of the Church eDooDnefo totoarD$ them. of England declare it to be a corrupt imi- ration of the ApoftleepraPice,A&s 25. We delire that Impofitionof Hands may not be made as here it is, a Sign to cer- tifie Children of God's Grace and Favour towards them , becaufe this feems to f-peak it a Sacrament, and is contrary to that fore -mentioned 25th Article , which faith, That Confirmation bath no -oifble Sign appointed by God. The lan Rubrick after Confirmation. We delire that Confirmation maynot Nolte íijalt tae atimttteD tothe Ijolp be made fo necefïary to the Holy Com- Ql ommunion, until amp time ax be mustian, as that none fhould be admit- ran lap the s¢ateehtlm, anO beton- ted to it unlefs they be confirmed. firntet. Of the Formof Solemnisation ofMatrimony. Te ManMall gibe the Woman a I&tng,. U. thatt furelp ¢obénant úettuirt themomaDeD 10hereof ttjtf; Litng gtben ano re= ceiUeD tOa Cohen ano 1pleDge, Re. V%Man !halt lap, With my Body I thee worlhip. 3111 the flame of the ifatber,anD of the mon, anti ofthe holy ßhott ítl Death uDDepart. SEeing this Ceremony of the Ring in Marriage is made necef/nry to et, and a fignificant Sign of the Vow and Co- venant betwixt the Parties; and Ro- milh Ritualins give fuch Reatòns for the Ufeand Innitution of the Ring, as are either frivolous or fuperftitious. It isde- fired that this Ceremony of theRing in Marriage may be left sndifferent,to be ufed or forborn. This word [,vorfbip] being much al- tered in the Ufe of it lince this Form was firn drawn up ; We delire fome o- ther word may beufed inaead of it. Thefe words being only ufed inBap - tifm, and herein the Solemnizationof Matrimony, and in the Abfolution of the Sick ; We delire it may be confider- ed, whether they Ihould not be here o- mitted, lean they Ihould feem to favour thofe who count Matrimony a Sacrament. This word [depart] is here improperly. ufed. Rubrick. Exception. Olten the Mtnitler in (clerk go= We conceive this Change of Place tng to the Loi:Dtable, njalt far in and Pofture mentioned in theft twoRu- ling thin is failli. bricks is needlefs, and therefore delire it may be omitted. Next Rubrick. VIEplaint enbeb, anti the fran ano the ¡Mouton kneeling-before the t.olD,DVabte, the Men cranking at the table, anti turning DO tare, ac. Colle&.