Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

PART Ii. Reverend Mr. Richard Baxter. 331 Colteit. Exception. ,onfeerateb the note of Matti-, Seeing the Inflitution ofMarriage was mono toftletj anexcellent Mpfletp before the Fall, and iò before the Pro- mife of Chriff, as alfo for that the laid Paffage in this Collect teems to counte- nance the Opinion of making Matrimo- ny a Sacrament, we delire that Claufe may be alteredor omitted. Exception. This Rubrick doth either enforce all fuch as are unfit for the Sacrament to forbear Marriage, contrary to Scripture, which approves the Marriage ofall Men; Lati Rubrick. or elfe compels all that marryto corre to be Belo martten jpetfolla trie the Lord's Table, though never fo un- fame Hap of ttjeir Marriage muff prepared : And therefore we delire it receibe tjje Ootp Communion. may be omitted, the rather hecaulè that Marriage Feftivals are too o.ten accom- panied with filchDivertifements as are unfuitableto thole Chrillian Duties which ought to be before and follow after the receivingof that Holy Sacrament. Rubrick. titben Mail begin Me Cotnmtuit- on,ann after ttjee35ofpel tijalt be fain a email, g. Of the Order for the Vilitation of the Sick. Rubrick before Abfolution. Exception. Tette (liait Hie íek 1petfonmake L Orafmuch as the Conditions of lick a afpetiat Confelfion,tt. after 3 Perlons be very various and diffe- lotjwtj ,z;onfetfton tlje lshtett tali rent , the Miniftermay not only in the abfotue tltm after ttlbtgi fog t, Our Exhortation, but in the Prayer an be Lord Jefus Chtist, erc. and by his Au- direEted to apply himfeif to the portico- thority committed to me, I abtolve thee. lar Condition of the Perron, as he Rtall find molt thimble to the prefent occafi- on, with due regard hadboth tohis Spiritual Condition andBodily Weaknefs,and that the Abfolution may only be recommended to the Minifter to be ufed or omit- ted as he shall fee occafion. That the Form of Abfolution be Declarative and Conditional, as [1pronounce thee áb faired] inRead of [I abfolve tbeeJ ifthou Left truly repent and believe. Of the Communion ofthe Sick. Rubrick. ßt if the tickpetfon be not a- A ble tu copie to Omen , pet IP netitouf to recette tije Atom. munton intoWide; ; tbenbe Inuit gibe knotttlefge nbernigljt, of elfe each in the 9t9olntng, to the Cit. rate, min bating a contentent place in ttje lick P an'P Ipotire, be Matt ttjete atminttier the iolp QLOlilmunion. COnfider, that many Fick perfons el lam/ ther by their ignorance or vicious Life, without any evident manifeftation of Repentance, or by the Nature of the Dileafe difturbing their Intelle &uals, be unfitfor receiving the Sacrament. It is propofed, that the Minifter be not en- joyned to adminiller the Sacrament toe- very lick Perron that lhall delire it, but only as he shall judge expedient: Vv a NMI