Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

332 The L IFE of the Of the Order for the Burial ofthe Dead, WE delire it may be expreffed in a Rubrick, that the Prayers and Exhortad. ons here ufed are not forthe benefit of the Dead, but only for the Inftru- tlion and Comfort of the Living. Firft Rubrick. 2+Cbe iuteft meeting the Co)p5 at the QLhurcij-itttie,ti)all Cap, o) etCe the lawn anti Clerk shalt Ong, eft. We delire that Minifters may be left to ere their Difcretion in theft Circum- ftances, and to perform the whole Ser- vice in the Church, if they think fit, for the preventing of thefe Inconveniences which many times both Minifiers and People are expofed unto by ftanding in theopen Air. The fecond Rubrick. aalhen thep cone to the')abe the lOgief tljati lap, g. joaflnucball It bath pieafeD ál= mightp ODD, of ijil great metep to take unto Ijimfeif the eoul of our Dear '.h)other here beparteb : $í1îe therefo)e commit bill '1 otip to the O)ount in Nee anti certain hope of l&efurreaion to (Eternal Life. The tuft Prayer. ale gibe thee hearty thanüo foi that it bath Wain thee to Delmer two our 'aìiotijer out of the ma, two of tljMD and tnollb, ec, ghat tue With thil our 13iother, anti all other DeparteD in the true faith of the h olp aflame, map babeour perfect Confirmation anti 'Blifb. The tail Prayer, Chat iahen the Depart thiti Life, tue map tell in him, alt our hope 10 Vito our '13)other both. There words cannot in Truth be laid of Perlons living and dying in open and notorious fins. There words may harden the wicked, and are inconfiftent with the largeft ra. tional Charity. There words cannot be tired with re. fpeflt to thofe Perfons who have not by their adtual Repentance given any ground for the hope of their Bleffed E- flair. Of the Thanksgiving of Women after Childbirth com- monly called Churchingof Women. 'T90De aaioman Mail come unto 4 the Church , anti there %ail knee( ulna in fame conbentent place nigh unto tajeplace where the gable iiantti, ano the u))teït OanO- tito bp her, Chan Cap, rrtt. Rubrick. (Then the lap OW }Maim zar. In regard that the Womens kneeling near the Table is in many Churches in- convenient, we delire that thefe words may be left out , and that the Minifter may perform that lerdee either in the Desk or Pulpit. Exception. This Plaint feems not to be fo petti neat asfome other , viz. as Pfalm ::3. and PM, 128.