Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

PA RT II. Reverend Mr. Richard Baxter. 34 The Paper offeredby Bifhop Cofins as from fame con- Jiderable Per/n. A way humbly propofed to end, that unhappy Controverte which is now managed in the Church, that the Sore may no longer rankle under the Debate , nor Advantages be got by thofe that love Divifion. r. T'llat the.QuefÈion may be put to the Manager'sof the Divifion, Whether there be at j thing in the Dottrine, or Difcipline, or the Common Prayer, or Ceremonies , con- trary to the Wordof God ; and if they canmake anyfetch appear, let them be fatiofiéd. 2. If not, let them thenpropofe what they defireinpoint ofExpediency, andacknowledge it to be no mori. ;.Let that then be received from them,andffieedily taken into theConfideration and fudg- ment of the Convocation, who are the proper and autbentick Reprefentativet of the Miniftry; inwhofe,7udgment they ought to acguiefce infetch Matters; and not only fo , but to let the People that follow them know that theyought not to difiark the Peace of the Church under the pretenceof the Profecution ofExpediency, force the Divifion of the Church is thegreat Inexpedient. The odnfiaser to the ferefaid Paper. Eight Reverend, 4e. AS it was yourlefrre that we fhouldreturn an Ánfwer to thefeThreePropciEls only in our own Names'who are but Three , fo we mu(t here profefs there fore, that it is not to be taken as the AA of the tea ofour Brethren the Commiffi- oners ; but as part of the Conference to which we are deputed : And though we are the Managersof the Treaty for Pacificadon or Agreement, and not the Mana- gers of the Diviflan, and therefore cannot take our felves to be the Perfons meant by the Author ofthe Propofals; yet we are glad to take the opportunity of your invi- tation, to profefs that the principal part of thefe Propofals is fo Rational. Regular and Chriftian-like, that we not only approve qf, but should be fully fatiafied (as to the Debates before us) with the real grant of the 'fiat alone, and not be wanting in our Duty, .accordingto our Underftanding and Ability, -in endeavouring to ac- complilh the Ends of your Delires in the reif : More particularly, Ad rm, Though we find by your Papers and Conference that in your own perfonal Doarines, there is fomething that we take to be again; the Word of God ; and per- ceive that we underftand not the Doetrine of the Church in all things alike, yet we findnothing contrary to the Word of God in that which is indeed the Dottrine of eke Church, 'as it coloprehendeth the Matters of Faith, diftintt from Matter of Difcipline, Ceremonies andModesof Worlltip. As to Difcipline, there was given into his Majefly,"before his Declaration came forth, aSummary of what we think' to be contrary to the Word of God , which we Thal! more fully give in to you or any others whenever we areagain called to it.' For the Common Prayer and Ceremonies we have in our Exceptions and Reply deliveredyob an Account of what we take to he unlawful and inconvenient : And we humblycrave that our Reafons may be yet impartially confidered. At prefent we (hall - humbly offer you our Judgment concerning the following Particulars, and profefs our readinefs to make it good when we are called to it. It is' contrary to the Word of God, r. That no Minifterbe admitted toBaptize without the prefcribed efe of the Tranlent Image of the Groh. à.Thàt