346 The LIFE , 'of the ` L, z B difaffeet the Government, by talking of filencing us, and calling out the People -from Communion. 1 told them that either they do intend fuch a.Courle or nor. If they do, why fhould they think us' criminal, for .knowing it ? If not, what need had we of all thefe Difputes with them ? which were only toperfùade them not to caft out the Minifters and the People on thefe Accounts. And it was but a few Weeks after this that Bifhop Morley himfelfdid. filence Me, forbidding me to preach in his Diocefs, who now took it fo heinoufly that I did foretell it : Yet, becaulè the Hearers knew not what would be, their Party juftified them, and concurred in cenfuringme as uncharitable for fpeaking fo hardly of them, and this maketh me re- member that thus I have formerly been blamed by all, whofe Mifcarriages.I foretold : When I told many both of the Parliament and Country,. what the Ar- my did intend to do againft them (and many others more particularly foretold it); the Army was angry with (them and) me, and accufed us of making them odious by our Slanders (andcaft out many Membersof the Parliamenton that Pretence) ; and yet within afew Weeks they did thevery things than we foretold : -So unanimous are all Men that have ill Deigns, in going the fame way to their Accomplilhment; and fo dangerous is it to foreknow what cruel Men are about to do. . § 253. You have had the Subftance of our wandering Difcourfes.; you are next tohave our as unprofitable Difputes : In which all was to be managed inWriting ex tempore, byDr. Pierfm, Dr. Gunning, and Dr. Sparrow, with Dr. Pierce on one Me ; and Dr. Bates, Dr. facomb, and myfelt on the other fide ; we withdraw- ing into the next Room, and leaving the Bithops and them together, while we wrote our part And we began with the Impoition of Kneeling, upon two Ac- counts, (though I took the-Gefture it felt as lawful) r. Becaufe I knew I had the fullef Evidence, and the greateft Authority of Antiquitylor Church -Law and Cu. !tom againft them. z. Becaufe the Penalty is fo immediate and great, (to put all that kneel not, from the Communion): And it was only the Penalty,. and to the Impofition on that Penalty, which we difputed againft. Oar Ar- § zt4. Oppon. Arg. t. To enjoin all Minifers to deny the Communion to all that gametes. dare not kneel in the Receptionofthe Sacrament on the Lords days is fnfsal. But the Common Prayer-Book and Canons enjoin all kliniflers to deny the Communion toall that dare not kneel in the Receptionof theSacrament on the Lord's Days. Ergo the' Common-Prayer-Bookand Canons, do (or contain) that which. oefinful. ` Refp. Not granting nor denying the Major, in the firft place prove the `Minor. 7 ideAn- -' Oppon. We prove both : r. Prob. Major. To enjoin Miniflers to deny the Communion to /ter. 'Men, becaulè they dare not-.go againft the Pretties of the Apostles, and the aniverfal Church for many hundred Tars.after them, and the Canons of the molt venerable Councils ufnful. But to enjoin Ministers to denyCommunion to all that dare not kneel in the Reception of -the Sacrament on the Lordn bays, is to enjoin ahem to deny Communion to them, becauf theydare nor:go'agai ft the Prat-bite of 'the'Apofrlee, and the univerfal Church,fer many hundred Tears alter them, and.the'Canone of tbe.moft venerable Councils. Ergo, Teenjaiie'all Mlmftersto,deny Communion to all that dare not kneel in the Recep- tionof the Sacrament on the Lords Day u Kul. -. Prob. Minim.. The Words of the Common Prayer-Book andCanons proueat. Refp. The Minor (viz. as' to the Common-Prayer-Book, of which the Proof -mull proceed) is not yet proved. But the Major (which we had not tiren fpoke to, - burnow do, clearly deny- .' ing that Major alto of the firft Syllogifin) you prove bythe Syllogifm brought ; m which we deny the Minor. - . 5 at s. Here we told them, That forthe Proof of both'Propofttione denyed, the Pre- fence of the Books ea necefary,' which we defired them to procure us ; but they were not fetch.. And frit we had- a large Debate about the Words of the Common-Prayer; .[Ile fha/I deli- ver it them kneeling on their Knees_: Dr. Pierfon confeffed, that the Canonsdid rejeft them that kneel not, from the Communion ; but thefe Words of the Common- Prayer-Book donut: But they only include :Kneelers, but exclude not others. We anfwered them that eithet.the Common-Prayer-Book loth exclude them that kneel nor, or ir-doth nor. If itdorh, the Propolition is.- true :,.lf.it do not,. siren we -stall willingly let fall this Argument againft it, and proceed to another: Therefore Idefired them but to cell us openly their.own judgment of the Senfe of the Book; for we profeffed to argue againft is only onSuppofstion of the exclufve Senfe. aIñ