Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

P A R T II. Reverend Mr. Richard Baxter. 3+7 §2i6. Hereùpon unavoidably they fell into Difcord among themièlves: Dr. Pierfon,. who was to defend theBook, told us his Judgment was, that the Senfe was not exclufive : Bilhop Morley, who was to offend the Nonconformif&, gave his Judg mene for the exclufive Senfe ; viz.. That the Minifter intogive it to Kneelers, and aso others. So that we profeffed to them, That we. couldnot go anyfurther, till theyagreed among themfelves, of their Senfe. 257. And for the other Minor denied,, though the Books were not prefeny I alledged the zoth Canon Coned. Nican. er Cencil. Trull. and Tertulian oft, and'Epi- pbanius, with thecommon Content of ancient Writers, who tell us, it was the Tradition and Cufbomof the univerfal Church, not to adore by Genuflexion on any Lord's Day; or on any Day between Eager and Wbitfntide. Ergo, not fo to adore in taking the Sacrament. §zs8. Bishop Morley anfwered, That this was the Cullom but only between Note this Eafter andWbitfantide, and therefore it being otherwife the relt of the Year, was great more againft us.- I anfwered him that he miltook, where amultitude of Leiden-,,hops e- ces might reetifie him, it was on every Lord's Day throughthe Year, that thisAdo- g with Anti- ration by Genuflexion was forbidden: though on other Week -days it was only be- gutty. tween Eafter and Wbitfantide. , § zrg. Next he and the refs infifted on it, that thefe Canons and Cufloms extend- ed Only ro Prayer. To which I anfwered, That t. The plain words are againít them, where fome (peak of all Adoration, and others more largely of the publick Worship, and offered to bring them full Proof from the Books, as fool as they would give me time. z. And if it were Only in Prayer, it is all one to our Cafe: For theLiturgy giveth the Sacramentwith Words of Prayer; and it is the com- mon Argument brought for kneeling, that it's fuitable to theconlunsit Prayer. And I told them over and over, that Antiquity was fo clear in the point, that I defired all might be laidon that, and I might have time to bring them in myTellimonies. But thus that Argument was turned o$; and the Evening broke off that part of the Difpute. The next Days Argument. § aoo. Oppon. To enjoin Minifters, re deny the Communion to fach as the Holy Ghóft bath required us to receive to the Communion is ftr,ful. But to enjoin Minifterr to deny Ile Communion to all that dare not kneel. in the Reception of the Sacrament, is to enjoin them to deny the Communion to fuch as the holyGhoft bath required us to receive to the Communion. Ergo, to enjoin Mini/as ro deny the Communionto all that dare not kneel in the Recep- tion of theSacrament, sea Sin. ` Ro.#,. We deny the Minor. Oppon. The Holy Ghofi bath requiredus to receive to the Communion, even. all the weak in the Faith, who are charged withno greater Fault thanerroneoufly refujïng things lawful err unlawful. But many of thole who dare not kneel in the Reception of the Sacrament are (at the waft) but weak in the Faith, and ibargedwith nogreater Fault, than erroneously refuftng ' things lawful as unlawful. Ergo, To enjoin Minigers to deny the Communionto all who dare not kneel in the Re- ception of the ,Sacrament; ia. to enjoin them to deny the Communion to furl as the Holy Chefs bath requiredus to receiveto the Communion., `Reif. We fay, This is no truebut afallacious Syllogifm, of no due Form:: For this Reafon, That whereas both Subje& and Predicate of the Conclufionought tobe fomewhere in the Prémifes, here neither Subjeet of theConclufion (viz. to `enjoin Minifterstodeny, ciYC.) nor the Predicate of the Conclufion (viz. is to en- ` join them todeny, arc.) are any where found in any part of either of the Pre- ` miles; fo that here are not only gnatuor, but quinque termini. . Oppon. Tom have both fubjelt and Predicate in the Prenmifes as _ro the, Senfe. Ifyou will have each. Syllable, take it, thus. . If to enjoin' Miniflers to dory the Communion to Men for nogreater Fault than being weak in the Faith, and reffng things lawful-as unlawful, be to enjoin them ro deny the Communion 'to fuel áa the-Holy Gboft bathrequired its to receive to the Communion, then to enjoin Minigers to deny the Communion to all, &c. But to enjoin Minifters to deny the- Communion. to Men for nogreater Fault than being weak in the Faith, and refuftng things lawful as unlawful; ti to enjoin them to deny the Communion to !itch as the Holy Gbejt bath required them to receive to theCommunion. Ergo, To enjoin, &c. (at in the Minor.) Y y z ` Red,