348 2he L IFE ofthe Refp. We diftinguifh to that Term [things Lawful]: for both Things lawful, ` and by no lawful Power commanded to be done are called Inch : And all' ` things lawful, and by a lawful Power alfo commanded to be done, ark called ` Inch. If you take tbingt lawful in the former Senfe, we deny your Major. If you ' take things lawful in the later Senfe, we deny your Minor. Oppon. In Rom. t4. x, 2, ;. and tg. r. The Apaflk by the Hoy Ghofl Making of things lawful and not commanded, yet being bimfelf a Church. Governor, eommandetb them not, but requiretb even Church-Governor, as well as other, to receive the Diffenta, and forbear them, andnot to make there the matter of Cenfure or Contempt. Ergo, the Minor (orConfeguence) it good. Refp. we anfwer four things : x. We deny the Confequence of the End/. ' memo. 2. Our Difcourfeproceeding wholly about things lawful and commanded bya ` lawful Power, they profefs to proceed only upon things lawful and not corn. ` mended by a lawful Power (in which Senfe only of things lawful, and not `commanded alto, we denied your Major): Forthey that prove the Major, which ' was not denied by us but in fuch a Senfe, profefsto proceed in that Senfe. ` ;. Rom. t4. r, 2, 3. fpeaks of things lawful and not commanded by yourAc- knowledgment : And we all along have profefted to debateabout things lawful ` and alfo commanded. So that the Text brought by you, is manifeftly not to the ` purpofe of this debate. q. To receive them in Rom. 14. is not forthwith to be uuderflood of immediately ` receiving to the holy Communion : And for this Reafon again that Text makes ` nothing to prove for their receiving to the holy Communion,.. § aar. When this Anfwer was given in, it was almoft Night, and the Company brake up: And becaufe I perceived that it was hard (efpecially amongfuch Diftur- bermes) to reduce all in a moral Subjeâ (that mutt have many Words) to an exaâ SyllogilticalForm to the lall, without Confufion ; and that the only Advantage they could hope for was to trifle pedantically about the Form of Arguments, I re- folved to imitate them in their lait Anfwei, and to take the Liberty of more (ex. plicatory) Words. § 222. The next day I brought in our Reply to their Anfwer at large, as here . followeth. Oppon. The Syllogifine neceffarilygrowing fo long, as that the Part, denied cannot be put verbatim into the Concluftons, without (fence to tbofe that are loath to read that which u pedantick and obfcure, we mull contrail the Senfe, -and divide our Proofs. The See of your Anfwer to the hypothetical Syllogifmwas, That if we (peak of things lawful and not commanded, thenyou deny [that thole that we muff deny Communion to are fach as the Holy Gbofl commandeth eel to receive, though thole were fach that are defcribed in the Antecedent]. But if we mean fach lawful things as are commanded by lawful Power, thenyou [deny that tbefe arefisch as the Holy Gbofl squint-10 tee to receive. To rake away thi, Anfwer If your Diflinllion be frivolous or fallacious, as ap- plied by you in your Anfwer, and one Branchof it, but a begging of the Ooeflion, Then jour Anfwer is vain, and our Argument flandeth good. But the Antecedent is true: Er- go, fo is the Confequence. r. It & frivolous and obfcure, and rather makingthanvemoving ambiguity, and ergo ufelefs. a.' It u obfcure : For we know not whether you mean [commandedftmply with- ' out any Penalty] or [commanded with the enforcement of a Penalty]: [ if the latter, whether you mean it of [ a Command with fach a Penalty as we (peak againlì] or . [force other Penalty]. And whether you mean [commanded by ;mob as have a Lawful Power ad boc). or [only ad aliud.] Tour diflintlian muff necearily be diflinguifhed of before it can be pertinent,. and applied to our Cafe : Ergo, it ea frivolous through ob- fcurity. Ifyou (peak of aCommand without Penalty, or with no other Penalty than furl as u confftent with [Receiving, not defpihng, not Judging, and all the indulgencemen- tioned in the Text] then your very Difline`liongrantetb us the Cauj. But ifyou fpeak of [a Command with, fuch Penalty at is inconftflent with thefetid Receiving and other In- dulgences] then this Branch ofyour Diflinelion as applied by you Refp. z. u but the beg- ging -of theeflian, it being fuck Commanding that we are proving to be forbidden by the Tons If there be no. Power that may command fuck things any farther than may. Itandwîtb the Reception and other Indulgences of the Text, then muff you not fuppo/i that any Power may otherwife command them. But the Antecedent is true: Er- go