35O The LIEEof the queftioned to be put into the Subjeft as pall difpute, which should be in the Predi- cate and fo would foreftallthe Opponents proof, it is not unfitly called a begging of the queftion r But for this I was indifferent : They fhould have it other Terms if they pleated, it being a Matter that our Caufe is not concerned in. I took Dr. Gunning's Paper home,and brought them an Anfwer the next daywe met;and though . I took not a Copy of his Paper, for want of time (and he would not lend it me after) yet you may fee theSum and Sence of all his Anfwer in the following Re- ply, (which, as the former, my Brethren read over and approvedof ). I..' I B. l. The K E P L Y to the Bops Ddattants , which was not anjwered. WHether it be our Arguing or your Anfwering that is laxe , declamatory, pe- V'V dantick (as you call it ), and whether your confident infulting arife from your advantagesor infirmity of Mind, and want of Matter for mote pertinent An- fwers, are Queftions that we !hall leave to impartial Judges : And we !hall crave pardon if we rather teem to negle& your words,than to follow you in theft ftrange vagaries any further than meer Neceility for lavingyour Readers from the Errour into which they are fitted to mifiead them doth require. To prove the Confequence ofan Hypothetical Argument, by an Enehymeme, bath not been ufed to be accounted culpable. The Proof you !hall not want. That we removed your Anfwer by !hewing your Diftin&ion frivolous, deferved not to be called, A popular Infnuation, Superlluaua, &c. We had two things here to do : The firE was, if we had been at hand with you, to. have 'called on you for theneceffary Explanation of your Diftin&ion, Whether by [commanded by lawful Power] you mean [commanded under nopenalty] or [commanded under a penalty, con- [flout with the Receiving andForbearing mentioned in the Text] or [commanding under a penalty inconfilent with tbya Receiving andForbearance]. And whether you mean by [m[Lawful Power] that which is indeed [ Lawful Power ad hoc] or only Lad aloud] ? As .far as we can find in theft your Papers, you Bill forbear to explain your DiBin- &ion. But this we muli yet infili upon,and defire ofyou, notwithflanding all your Exclamations. - And then our next work muff be toPhew you,that indeed your Diftin &ionis life- lef@ as to the Ihakingof our Argument. The latter branchof your Diftin&ion [ if wefeak of things lawfuland commanded] you apply to the denial of our Antece- dent, or Minor, which we prove Bands good, notwithftanding this your Anfwer. Indeed wefpeak of [things lawful as fuch] abftraeling from command: But we fpeak of things which materially were partly not commanded , and partly commanded : Ic was root commanded to eat or not eat the Meats in queftion, to keep theDays or not keep them : In theft they wen: againBno Law : But to be weak in the Faith, and erroneoufly to take things lawfulto be unlawful, and things indifferent to be neceffary, and to offend a Brother by the life of Liberty on the other fide, were againB the Commands of God, Now-theScope of our Argument was to Phew , that if you fpeak of [a command upon the penaltyof the queftion] your Diftin&ion helps you not to (hakeour Argument, becaufe as it is true that the Text fpeaketh not of things fo commanded, fo the thing that we are proving is, that it is the fence of the Text to forbid allfuch commands. If it be the fence of theText to forbid inch commands, then your Diftin&ion is frivolous, and the ule of it here prevented, and our Ar- gument Bands good : But it is the fence of the Text to forbid all fuch commando: Ergo The Minorwe are to prove hereafter, when we are further called to it by your Anfwers. But if by [command] you mean any other command without pe- nalty, or withoutthe penalty forbidden, we argue, If it be all one as to our Cafe, whether it be fo commanded or not, then your liltin&ion is frivolous, and our Argument 'Bands good : But it is all one to our Cafe, whether it be fo commandedor not : Ergo--Thiswas the Sumof our Reje&ion of your Anfwer, which we can- not profcute till you will be perfwaded, as we have required, to explain,your Di- flinétion ; and then we (hall know what to fpeak to. But.