354 The L IFE o f the g., i B. 1. 2. We Argued, [If the HolyGbofl command the receiving of Men to that Church Cam.' minion ingeneral wit aut exception, whereof the Communion in the Holy Sacrament is a moll eminent part, then he thereby commandeth the receiving them to the Communion in the Sacrament. But, &e. Ergo, &c. Your Anfwer fignifieth that it is a receiving firft to Inrtrattion, and not to the Sacrament, till fome Change be made, you tell us not 'what, or that it is fuch a Receiving as may coffin with denying them the Com- munion. We (hall now therefore prove in order thefe two Propofirions,which are tobe nextproved. x. That the Reception that Paulfpeaketh of, is fuch as is not continent with de- nial of the Sacrament for thofe faults. 2. That there is no fuch Difparity between their Faults and thofe that refufe to kneel at theSacrament, as may warrant your Difparity of Penalty orUfage. The firft we (hall prove, r. From the Text before us ; z. By other Scriptures; ;. By Teftimonyof Expofiters, efpecially thofe of your own way in other Things. I. So to receive one another as Chrilt received us to the Glory of God theFa- ther,and thisnot to doubtful Difputation, (or not to judge their doubtful Thoughts) and notto defpife or judge one another, but to take eachother for fuch as do what we do to theLord, and letevery Man be fully perfwaded in his own Mind ; and fo as todiftinguilh the Points that we differ about from thole in which God's Kingdom (loth conlft, in which whofoever ferveth Chrift is acceptable to God, and Ihould be approved of Men ; and fo as to follow the things that edifie and make for Peace, and not lay a Bumbling block or occafion of falling in our Bro- ther's way, or deltroy him by the uncharitable efe of ourLiberty , knowing it is Sin tohim that efeemeth it Sin ; but to forbear our felves to efe thofe things in Controverfie wherebyour Brother ftumbleth or is offended , becaufe he is damned if he ufe them doubtingly; and therefore to have the belief of their lawfulnefs to our felves before God, and to bear with the Infirmities of the Weak, and pleafe them to their Eification, and not to pleafe our felves, that fo being like- minded one towards another, that with one mind and one Mouth we may glorifie God : We fay, Thus to receive is not continent with the denial of Communion in the Sacrament for thofe Faults. But fuch was the Receiving required by the Apoftle Rom. r¢. é7rq.Ergo -- He that can ferioufly ponder all thefe Expreflions, and the Scope of the Holy Gholt, and yet can believe that all this Receiving is but fuch as confifleth with forbiddingthem Communion in the Lord's Supper, which then was fo great a part of the daily Communion of the Church, and alto may coati} with the further Procefs againft People and Minifters to Excommunication, and Prohibition to preach the Gofpel, which is now pleaded for in cur Cafe, is of fo Orange a tem. perature of Underifanding, as that we can have little hope by any Scripture-Evi- dence to convince him. z. When the Holy Ghoft requireth Men in general to receive others as Church - Members into Church-Communion, with the Affection and Tendernefs here ex- preffed, and doth not except any ordinary part of Church - Communion , it is not lawful for us to interpret it of fuch a Receiving as excludeth the principal part of ordinary Church-Communion. But in Rom. r4. & t f. the Holy Ghoü requireth Men in general to receive o- thers as Church-Members into Church-Communion with the Affeâtion and Ten- dernefs here expreffed, and doth not except any ordinary part ofChurch Commu- nion. Ergo it is not lawful for us to interpret it of fuch a Receiving as excludeth the principalpart of OrdinaryCommunicn. The Reafon of the Major is, Becaule as the wholecontaineth all the parts, fo when the whole or general is commanded, if Men may take liberty to except the very principal part where the Law doth not except it, then no Commands can be intelligible,or fuchInterpreters mayhave liberty ro make void the law at their own pleafure. As when it is faid [Honour the King] and Let every Soul be febjelt to the Higher Powere] and [not refill] &c. if Men may take liberty by interpreting, to except the very principal part of Honour, and the principal perfons from Subje- ttion, and the principal Cafe from [Refill- not], it will be no jolt interpretation. Íf thefe fame Perfons had a Command in general, to [worfbip God] or [hold Com- munion with the Cherub] if they themfëlves Ihould interpret it fo as to exclude wor- 'hipping God in the Sacrament of the Eucharift; or holding Communion with the