Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

P A ß T IL ReverendMr. f ichard Baxter. 355 the Church therein, we doubt not but they would be judged unju(t diftinguifh- ers. The Minor is granted us by our Reverend Brethren , who here openly contef that the Text fpeaketh of Church-Members, and of Receiving them to Church- Communion, though they unwarrantably interpret it of filch a Communion as extendeth not to the Sacrament of the Eucharift. . ;. if the Text Rom. 54. ter 55. forbid not one part to put away othçrs from Communion in the Sacrament of theEucharift, then it. forbiddeth 110t the tither Party to feparate from their Brethrenin the Sacrament of the Eucharift. But the Confequent is falfè : Ergo fo is the Antecedent, The Reafon of theConfequenceof the Major is becaufe if is fpeak not of that part of Communion to one Party, it cannot fpeak ofit to the other,ic beingplain- ly the fame Communion e hat is fpeaketh of to both. The Minor is ordinarily granted us by the Diffenters , when they apply this Text againit Separatifts, that upon the Account of Ceremonies and Things hrdif -, ferent, condemn the Church, and judge their Brethren, and feparate from their Communion in the Eucharift. II. From other Scriptures. If in allthe Word of God there be no mention of . fuch a Receiving into church-Communion, ( much left with all thefe Prohibitions of Judging, Defpiling, Offending, e .c.) as confrfteth with Reje6ting from Commu -. nion in the Eucharift, of any Perfon naturally capable , then the word Receiving is not to be fo expounded here. But in all the Word ofGod there is no mention of fuch aReceiving into Church- Communion ( much left with all thefe Prohibitions, erne) as conitteth with Re- jeûing fromCommunion in the Eucharift, of any Perfon naturally capable. Ergo the word Receiving is not to be fo expounded here. The Reafon of the Confcqueuce of the Major is, becaufe here is no apparent. ground in this Text for äs to underitand'the ReceivingSpoken of, as dire, ent from what is mentioned in all ocher places of the holy Scripture : ,And if without an/. filch ground wefhould allowour felves a fingnlar Interpretation, we should open a way to Men to make what they pleafe ofScripture. The Minor being to be proved by an Indu&ion o£ all particular Texts, it will be the briefer way for the Refpondent to inflance in any one which he thinks hash fuch a fence, and then we (hall be ready to prove the contrary. III. For the fence of Expofitors; We fhali begin with the Learned Dr. Ham -, mand; who expounded) the Text ofChurch - Communion, and fuch Communion as cannot conflit with Excommunicating from the Sacrament of the Eucharift ,. or the other heavy Penalties upon Minifters and People which we now plead a- gainit, as may be feen in thefe his plain Exprefiîons. ` V. e. [ And for the prefer- ' ving of that ChriftianCharity among all mentioned SolemnlyCb. a ;. 8,9,to. (vid. lot.) I (hall enlarge to give thefe Rules. The Jewifh Believer on the other fide the Gentile Believers feeing the Jewilh /land upon fuch things are apt to 1parate and fo betwixt one and other the Communion is like to be broken. .The Scrupulousor Erroneous Judaizer do the Gentiles not reje61, but receive to your Communion : Yet not fo that he thereby thinkshimfelf encoura- ged or authorizedto quarrel with other MensRefolutions and to condemn ci- tilers -- V. ;. The ScrupulousJudaizer muff not reject and cafe out of his Corn- ' munion the Gentile Chriftian for God bath admitted him into his Church (withbut laying that yoke upon him) as a Servant into his Family, and he is not ' to be excluded by the Judaizer for fuch things as chete-- V. 4. What Commit- ` fion haft thou, O Jewith Chriftian, to judge God's Servant, received and owned ' byhim, toexclude him out of the Church.God is able to clear him,it he pleafe, and he certainly will, having by receiving him into his Family given him ` this lihe ty V. q. In fuch things every Man muff a6t by his. own, and not by another Man's Judgment or Confcience, what he is verily perfwaded he ought to do ; and therefore Unity and Charity ought not to be broken by you for fuch things V. 6, 7. and this fare is well done on both fides. For no Man of us ` is to de what he hrmfelf likes belt, but what he thinks is molt acceptableto God. V. 9. And all the Fruit of Chrift'sDeath and Suffering and Refurre&ion , which accrues to him, is only this, that he may have Power and Dominion over us all, "` to command or givewhat libertyhe pleafeth. V. ró. put why doff thou Jewilh ` condemn the Gentile Chriftian, or exclude him from thy Communion, becaufe Zzz `he