Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

356 The LIFE ofthe ß;I13. p, ` he ufeth his Chrilian Liberty, &r. Or then Gentile Chriftiati;: why doff choa ` think it a piece of fenflefs Stupidity in the Jew to abftain, and thereupon defpitè ` and vilifie him,' whichalto is a kind of judging him : Whereas indeed neither of you is to be the Judge of the other, but Chrilt of you both = V. 13. Do. not s. any longer cenfure and Separate from one anothers Communion for fuel! Things as thefes - -V.14. The perfwalion of its being forbidden him is, as long as he is ` fo perfwaded, fufficient to make it to him unlawful to life that libel ty ` V 16.V..I7.For Chriftianity confilts not in fùch External Matters but in _- mercifulnefs, and peaceablenefs, and delight to do good. one to another Not ` dividing and hating and excommunicating one another. V. 19. Let us molt zealoully attend tochofe things, which may thus preferve Peace among all fòrts of Chriltians, though of differentperfwafion V. lo. Do not thou for fo in ` confiderable a Matter as Eating is, or becaufe another will not or dares not make "life of that ChrilianLiberty--dilurb that Peace, that Unity which Godbath wroughtV. at. It is not charitable to make ufe of any part of ChriltianLi- ` berry, when by this fo doing any other Man is kept from receiving the Faith or any way wounded or hurt, i.e. brought to any kind of fin v:13. And indeed for the Scrupulous Jew, there is little reafon he Should be So ill tiled for his daring to eat, whenhe thinks himfelf otherwife obliged : for it were a damning Sin forwhich his own Conlciencealready condemns him, Should he eat or do a- ` ny indifferentthing, as long as he thinks in Conlcience that it is not fo ---. ` Chap. 15. V. ç, 6, 7. And that God for whom we ought to fuffer, ---give you ` the Grace of Unity and Charity, fach as.Chril commanded and 'expe&s from ` you, that ye may joyn unanimoully Jews and Gentiles into one, and affembling ` together, Worfhipand Serve the Lord in all Unity of Affe&ions and Form ` of Words. Wherefore inall Humility of Condefcenfión- and Kindnefs, embrace ` and fuccourone another, help them up when they are falfn, inlead of defpitng and driving them from your Communion, after the Example of Chril's ufage to- ` wards Men, who came from Heavenand laid down his Life to relieve us, and ` there is nothingby which God is more glorifiedthan this. ] If all this may confift with rejeering from all Communion in the Eueharil, and afterwards Excommunicating, Sufpending, Silencing, Imprifoning, &c. we underlandnot English. 2. In like manner Grotïur in loc. cap. 14. r. [ Contra vocati à Gensibus, confcii data per Cbri(lum libertatia, Judas, Judaico vivente, à faaCommunion volebant excludere Ir, 18, 2r. unclefecuturum eras Scbifma Huic malo at occurrat Paulus, medians in- flitit viam, 6. Jadeo, gai in Chriftamcrediderant, mono ita foam lgoantor opinionem, or à dansnandia crimine impietata gai aliter fentiebant, abflineant : Ex gentibou were vo- catoa, ne shoran, guamvi, Judaice viventiam commanionem defugiant , 6' ut imperitos fjernanr L.aesamoueársa<] Societate Ecclefiæ, fcat qur bottio alsgoem excipiunt, dicuntur eumasajbzaµCdrnv, A&s 18. z6. & 28. 2. Ecclefla enim Domini comparatur fo- pra t a. zç. füricar beoadmonitio ex its goce oieatilto quadill, Matth. 12. z0 .- 2- 7olerandi funt ij gui ab omnibaa animati, abflinendaen parant, good quidam facie- 'barn Religione gaádam. - -Cap. 15. 6, 7. ha óuo3ot a dev cv ivl sói a, n icfáfn3, k O;dv] s l e/t,ut cumDrum laudari,, eigue precesfonditio, faciatii bd non tantam eodem verborain fono fed eY animapleno mama deleïlioni,, fine contempto , fine odio. Habea banc vocem ö,<a uadb'v, A&. 1 I. 46. obi forma eft Ecclefe petfeftrffima. Aside adejua weak explica- rionem id guod.efi A&.4.32. (all which includeth Communion in the Eucharil) V.7. Nolite ob re, tale,, alii alios à fraternitate abfcindere ---- § zzç. This Paper was given in the very lag day of our CommiSfion and Di- fpute : And Dr. Ganning read another which he had prepared for an Infultation at our Difmiflion, which Paper had fome Milakes in ir, and the Citation of many Witneffes, who (as he would have perfwaded us) took theword [Receiving) Rom. 14. & IS. as notmeaningor including, Receiving to the Holy Communion in the Sacrament. § 226. In thebeginning he affirmed that we had refuted to Difpute, till theyhad promifed to take their turn, and prove the lawfulnefs of their Ins ofitions. To this I anfwered, That it was contrary to our-open and frequent Profeffion, that we would do our part whether. they would do theirs or not : only I laid, that if they refuted it, we Should take it for adeferring of their Caufe. This he a whiledenied: