.011111 359 2he L I EE of the L I B. I, § z3;. In the taft place, it'stime that Igive you àCopy of their Difputation; and this which followeth is exafi, and all. [Oppon. (Dr. Pierfon, Dr. Gunning, Dr. Sparrow and Dr. Pierce) ` My Affertion x Here we ` is, Nothing contained in the Liturgyis finful*. hadagreat This general AffertionI am ready to make good in all Particulars; in which Debate `our Brethren fhallthink fit to chargethe Liturgy with Sinfulnefs. they ` And becaufe our Brethren have as yet by way of Difputation, charged no o- lthiavelpro- ` ther part of it with the Imputation of Sinfulnefs, but that which concerneth ved their ` kneelingat the Communion, therefore my firft Affertion as to that particular is penal 1w- r this. fition The Command contained in the Liturgy concerning kneeling at the Comma- °o dget ` nion is not Sinful. This Truth I am ready to prove by feveral Arguments. themtono ' PirJf, This only Command [The Mintier 'hall deliver the Communion to the more. ` People in their Hands kneeling] is not finful. The command contained in the Liturgy concerning kneeling at theCommuni `on, is this only Command [TheMinifter, ¢rc.] --- ' Ergo, The Command contained in the Liturgy, concerning kneeling at the Communion, is not finful. Refp. Negatur Major. `Oppon. Prob. Major. That Command which commandeth only an Adt in.it ¡elf ` lawful, is not finful. This only Command [The Minifter ¡hall deliver the Communion to the Peo- ' pie in their Hands kneeling] commandeth only an Min it felf lawful -- ` Ergo, this only command [The Minifter fhall deliver the Communion to the ` People in theirHands kneeling] is not finful. Refp. Negantur Major, & Minor. Oppon. Prob. Major That Command whichcommandeth an Aá in it fell law-. ` ful, and no other A& or Circumftanceunlawful, is notfinful. ` That Command which commandeth onlyan Adf in it felf lawful, commands ` anAd in it felt lawful, and no other Adt or Circumftance unlawful . Ergo That Command which commandeth only an Aá in it felllawful, is not finful. Refp. We deny the Major, and (for btevity) give a double Reafon of our Denial. One is, becaufe that may be a Sin per accident, which is notfo in it felt, and may be unlawfully commanded, though that Accident be not in the Command. Another is, That it may be commanded under an unjuft Penalty. a. We deny the Minor for both the fame Reafons. Oppon. Prob. Minor. The delivery of the Communion to Perfons kneeling, is an Aft in it felf lawful. ' This only Command [The Minifter fhall deliver the Communion to the Pen- ' pie in their Hands kneeling] commandeth only the delivery of the Communion to Perlons kneeling. Ergo, Thisonly Command [The Minifter, &r.] commandeth only an Adt in it fell lawful. Rd. We diltinguifh of [delivering to Perlons kneeling] it fignifieth either ex- clufively [to thofe and no other] ; or not exclufively as to others : In the Ñrft Senfe we deny the Major; in the fecond Senfe we deny the Minor. Oppon. You denyboth our Propofitionsfor two Reafons, both the fame : We `make good both our Propofitions, notwithflanding both your Reafons. TheMajor firft. That Command which commandeth an A& in it felt lawful, and no other Aet ` whereby any unjuft Penalties enjoined, norany Circumftance whence direttiy or per accident any Sin is confequent, which the Commander ought to provide ` agam¡t is not fmtul. That Command which commandeth an Adt in it felf Lawful, and no other ` Aft or Circumftance unlawful, commandeth an A&in it felf lawful, andno other Adwhereby any unjuft Penalty is enjoined, nor any Circumftance, whence di- ` reífly or per accident any Sin is confequent, which the Commander ought topro- ` vide againft -- ` Ergo, That Command which commandeth an Aft in it fell lawful, and no ` other A& or Circumftance unlawful, is not finful. R.