Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

PART II. Reverend Mr..Richard Baxter. 359 Rejp. 1. The Propofition denied is not in the Conclufion . This was .x. The Major is denied; becaufe the firli All commanded may be per deciders a miftake unlawful, and be commanded by an unjuft Penalty, though so other Mt ör Cir- cumftance be fuch. the Scribe, the . ` Oppon. The Minor next. That Command which commandeth an A& in it feif lawful, and no other ` A& whereby any unjuft Penalty is enjoined, nor any Circumftance whence di- ` redly or per Accident any Sin is consequent, which the Commander ought to `provide against, commands an Ad in it felt lawful, andno ocher Aft or Circuit- ' ftance unlawful. ` ThatCommand which commands only an A& in it felflawful, commandeth an Ad in it feif Lawful, and no otherA&whereby any unjuft Penalty is enjoined, ` nor any Circumstance, whence direly and per accident any Sin is confequhnt, ` whichthe Commander ought to provideagainst `Ergo, That Command which commands only an Aet in it Pelf lawful, corm: 'mands an Ad in it feif lawful, and no other Ad or Circumstance únlaw- s ful. ' We prove our Major notwithstanding your Reafon alledged. That Command which hath in it all things requifte to the lawfulnefs of a Command, and particularly cannot be guiltyof commanding an A&per accident unlawful, nor of commanding an Ad underan unjuft Penalty, is not fïnful, not. withftanding your Reafon alledged ` That Command which commandeth an Ad in it fell lawful, and no other ' Aft whereby any unjuft Penalty is enjoined, nor any Circumftance whence di- ' redly or per accident any Sin is confequent, which the Commander ought to pro. ` vide againft, bath in it all things requifite to the lawfulneî of a Command, and `particularly cannot be guilty ofcommanding an Ad per accident unlawful; nor of commanding an Ad under an unjuft Penalty ' Ergo, That Command whichcommandeth an Ad in it feif lawful, and no ' other Aet whereby any unjuR Penalty is enjoined, norany Circumftance whence ' directly or per accident any Sin is confequent, which the Commander ought to provide againft, is not finful notwithstanding your Reafons alledged. Refp. The Minor is denied upon the fame Reafons; which you do nothing to remove: Such a Command bath not in it all things requifcte to the lawfulnefsof a Command ; hecaufe though no other A&be commanded whereby an unjust Penal- ty is enjoined, yet 1äll the firft AP may be commanded job Pcenâ injseftâ i And though no other Ador Circumflance be commanded that is a Sin per accident, yet the fill. itJelf commanded, may be a Sin per accident. Oppose. Either our Minor is true notwithftanding your Reafon, or elfe the firft Ad may bea Command commandingan unjuft Punifhment, and be an Addawful or the firft Ad it felt being lawful in it felt and all Circumftances, may yet be a Sin per Accident, againstwhich the Commanderought to provide. ' ` Pofteriao utramgue faljum; both the later Members are talk Ergo, Prises t'verum--Therefore the firft is true. Re%. I. Neg. Major. Becaufe t, TheSubje& is changed : You wereto have fpo- ken of thefirit Ait commanded, and you fpeak ofthe full AP commanding, in the firft Member. You fhould have laid, [Elfe the firft Admay becommandedfah Pro- nâ Mired-a, and yet be in it fell lawful ] which istrue. a. Becaufe in the fecond Member where you fhould have fpoken only of the commanded Circamflancet of the A&, younow fpeak of all its Circumftances whe- ther commanded or nor. ;. We undertook not to give you all ourReafons : TheMinor may be falleupon many other Reafons. And were your Major reduced in the Points excepted against; we fhould deny theMinor, as ro both Members. And we fhould add our Reafons. t. That Command which commandeth an Ad in it fell lawful, and only fuch,_ may yet be finial privatively, by omi/on of fome thing neceffary, fome Mode or Circumstance. 2. It may finfully reflrain, though it finfully command not. ;. It may be finful in Modi, commanding that aniverfally, or indefenitely, orparti- cularly, or fingalarly, that fhould be otherwife; though in the Circumftances (pro- perly fo-called) of the Aft, nothing were Commanded that is finful.