360 'The LIFE of the Y., I B. q. It may through culpable Ignorance be applied toundue Subjells who are not Cirrumftanres;.as if a People that have the Plague be commanded to keep Affemblies forWorlhip ; theLawgiver being culpably ignorant that they had the Plague. Ma- nymore Reafons may be 'given. Oppon. We make good our Major by (hewing thatthe Subje& isnot changed, ' thus. Ifwhenfoever the fiat A& is commanded fub Pena. injuffa, and no other Aet is ` commanded whereby any unjut Penalty is enjoined (which wereyour Words) the ark A& commanding mull command an unjut Punifhment (which were ours) then we have not changed the Subje& ` But the Antecedent is true ; therefore the Confequent. 2;4. Thus, Reader, thou haft every Word that was brought by them in this Difputation, to prove the juftnefs of all thorn Impofitions on pain of Excommuni- cation (which infers Imprifonment, en.) which have divided this mifèrable bleed- ing Church, and will admit of no Remedy, nor patiently endure him that Ihall propofe it, or beg for Peace and Charity at their Hands. 2;y. The other Arguments which I offered (and they were not accepted or read). were thefe following. In which you mutt note thatall theft Arguments were but propofed thus briefly, and not followed up, becaufe it was expe&ed that they Ihould have called us to that. And that this Writing was but begun, and many more ScriptureTexts and Arguments omitted, for want of time, and by the Inter- ruption of our Difputation. And concerning the foregoing Reply to Dr. Gunn ng about the Senfe of Rom. 14. Note, that at I was purpofing to have added a multi- tude of Teflimonies more, to thole of Dr. Hammond and Groriur, the ending ofour Difputation did prevent me, and ever unce then I calf by all fuch Thoughts as theft, forefeeing that now (when they would not endure the means of Peace) my Dttty would henceforth lye on the other fide, to plead other Men into true and moderate Thoughtsof things indifferent, and Obedience, fo far as the Unity and Peace of the Church required it, and the matters impofed were not finial to the Doers, though they might be Panful to the Impofers. I knew that henceforth I Ihould be as much exercifed in moderating thole for whom I had now pleaded, and muff bear fome centime alto from many of them. Qeft. Whether it be jail (or lawful) to enjoinall MniJlers to deny Communion to all that dare not kneel :nth, Reception of the Sacrament on the Lord's Days? Neg, Becaufe you will needs call all the Opponent's Work on us, by arguing that we have brought no fufficientReafons for the contrary (appealing toall Men acquaint- ed with the juk Method of Difputation, whether you that have the affirmative, donot hereby fly all juk andequal Difpute, and ¡hew a Diffidence, ofyour Cauf) we that hive the negative Ihall more juftly by the fame method, call back your proper Work upon you. If it be jut (or lawful) to enjoin all Minillers to deny Communion to all that dare not kneel in the Reception of the. Sacrament on the Lord'sDays, then tome cogent Argumentmay be drawn from the Nature of the thing, or fupernatural Re- velation, to ju(tify it. But no Argument can be drawn (for ought that ever was yet by the Right Reve- rend Fathers, or Reverend Brethren produced or manifefted to us, or we can tell whereto find, or how to invent) fwm the Nature of thething, or from fuper- natural Revelation, to ¡unify it. Ergo, it is not juft, care. If any filchArgument can be produced, let it be produced, oryou forfake your Caufe. (Note thatthis was writtenbefore they yielded to be Opponents.) I. Our firk Argument drawn front general Councils, and the Pra&ice of the Univerfal Church, we handled already : and are ready to bring in fullerProof. II. And our fecond Argument from Rom. r4, and a5. where the Cafe is purpofe- ly and largely decided, that things of fach Moment matif not be made the matter of Cenfures, Reje&ions, or Contempt. 114 To impofe on the Church things antecedently unneceffary upon fo great a Penalty as Exclufion from Communion, is a linful thing. But ro enjoin all Miniflers to deny Communion to all that dare not kneel in the Reception of the Sacrament(for Pear of Idolatry or Scandal) is to impofe on the Church