Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

PART II. ReveredMr Richal:d Baxter. Church things antecedentlyunnegeffarÿ upon fo greata Penatty'as ExcIufkn fib i the Communion. Ego to enjoyn all Minilters to deny toall that date nbtkneel' in the Reception of the Sacrament is a fìnfd thing., The Major is proved thus: That which is contraryto the exprefs Determination of the Holy Ghoit, Ath t ç. is a finful thing. But to Impofe ontheChurch Things' antecedently unneceffary,' uptm fo,great a Penalty as ExcluionfromCommunion, is contrary to theexprefs Determinations of the Holy Gholt, Ash, 15. a8.' [ For it flayedgood to the Holy 'Gbofi andto 4ïr, fo lay uponyou no greater burden tban there neoef9ary things] : Ergo it is a 5nful thing..',; IV. To crofs that great Rule of Charity C Iwi/(have Mercyand not Sacrifie;h Sin. But to enjoyn all Minilters to deny'Commynion to all that darenot kneelin the Reception of the Sacrament , is to crois that great Rule of Charity error Ergo it is a Sin. The Major is certain, Chrilt himfelf urging it twice upon the Ceremonious hy- pocritical Pharifees, Matrh.9.t;.et Iz. The Minor is thus proved. Toprefer Sacrifice beforeMercy (yea, an unnecef fary Ceremony before Sacrifice and Mercy) is a crOffing of that Rule. But to enjoyn all Minilters to denyCommunion to'all that dare not kneel,in the Receptionof the Sacrament is to preferSacrifice before Mercy, (yea, an ungeceffra- ry Ceremony before Sacrifice and Mercy : )'Ergo it is a croffing'of thài Rule. The Major I fuppofe will not be denied : The Minor is thus proved - -' r. To prefer this genuflexion in the Reception of theSacrament, beforeoisiJ re- threes Communion with Chrilt and his Church in the Sacrament, and before their corroborationand confolation thereby,and before the preaching of the Gofpel by all thofe Minilters that will be hereupon laid by,even' *henmany Thoufands among us are in grefs ignorance for want of means, and confequently before the Salvationof verymany,' and the Worfhip of God by the Excluded, is to prefer Sacrifice be- fore Mercy, yea, an sinneceffary Ceremony before Sacrifice andMercy. But to enjoyn all Minilters to deny Communion to all that ;dare notkneel in the Reception ofthe Sacrament, is to prefer this Genuflexion' before all ehele things : Ergo d is to prefer Sacrifice before Mercy; yea, an unnecefl'ary Ceremony before Sacrifice and Mercy. 2. If the forbidding ofDavid and his Company to eat the Shew-bread, and tile Petefts in the Temple to break the Sabbath, and theDifciples to rob out theCoin, would have been the preferring of Sacrifice before Mercy, (as here prohibited ), then enjoyning all Minilters to deny Communion toall that dare not kneel in the Reception of the Sacrament, is to prefer Sacrifice before Mercy (in the forbidden fence). But the Antecedent is true; Maitb.'12. t, 2, 3, 4, ç, 6, 7. ''Ergo fo is the Con- fequent, V. To life the Power to Deftruetion which is given to be ufed to Edification, is únjoft. But tnenjoyn all Minilters to deny the Communion toall that dare not kneel in the Reception of the Sacrament, is tout the Power to Deftruétion which isgiven to healed to Edification Ergp, To enjoyn all Minilters to deny the Communion to all that darenot kneel inthe-Receptivo of the Sacrament, is unjull.- --' The Major is preyedz Cor. ro. 8. & r3. so.. Rom. 15.2. x Car. 24. z6. Rom. 14, zç o For the Minor Pfftaf prove it, r. As of the Deftretion of the Perfon; 'a. Of many :whets; 3. Of the Church it felf I. To uie this Power to deprive many Thoufands of their Communion' with Chri(t and his Church in the Sacrament of his Bodyand Blood, and confequent- ly of ad the Benefits thereof, is to efe it to the Deltru&ion of chofe Mens Soul,. But to enjoyn all Minilters to deny Communion to all that dare not kneel in the Reception of the Sacrament, is to ufe this Power to deprive many Thoufands of their Communion with Chrift and his Church, in the Sacrament of his Body Ana and