Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

362 The LIFE óf the ï I B. I and Blood, and confequentlyof all the Benefits thereof : Ergo to enjoyn all Mi- nifters to deny Communion to all that dare not kneel in theReception of the Sacra- ment, is to ufe this Power to the Deftru&ion of thofe Souls. 2. To the Deftru&ion of many others. II. To ufe this Power to deprive many Thoufand ignorant, ungodly People of the Labours of able faithful Minifters, when thofe People are like to have no competent Preachers of the Gofpelintheir ftead,is toufe this Power to theDei1ru- &ionof thofe many thoufand Souls. But to enjoyn all Minifters to deny Communion to all thofe that dare not kneel in the Reception of the Sacrament, is to ufe this Power to deprive many Thou- land, &c.- Ergo it is toufe this Power to their Deftru&ion. It being fuppofed that it is notany Injun&ion ingenere, but theEnglifh Injuneti- on infÿeiie that is fpoken of. The Minor is proved thus : If filch an Injun&ion will Silence a great number of ableand faithful Minifters, while there are not competent Preachersof the Gofpel to fupply very many of their Places, then to enjoyn all, 6c. is to ufe the Power to Deprive, But the Antecedent is certain : Ergo, &c. Twonotorious Evidences in Matter of Fa& do fully prove the Antecedent : r. That there area great number ofable, faithfulMinifters, whofe Confciences do forbid them to deny Communion to all that dare not kneel in the Receptionof the Sacrament, though they fuffer Silencing for it : and that the Injun&ion Both Silence ( and Imprifon them ) if they do not deny it them. 2. That there are very many Congregations inWales and divers parts of England, where are Thou- fands of ignorant ungodly People, that evennow have no competent Preachers, much lefs will there be enow when all thefe Minifters are turnedout. 3. To the Deftru&ion of the Church. Ill. r. To ufe this Power to deprive the Church of a great number of her pious and exemplaryMembers, that are meet for her Communion, is to ufe it to the Churches Deftru&ion. But to enjoyn all Minifters to deny Communion to all that dare not kneel at the Reception of the Sacrament, is to ufe this Power to Deprive the Church of a great number of her Pious and Exemplary Members, that are meet for her Com- munion. Ergo, To enjoyn all Minifters to deny Communion to all that darenot kneel in the Reception of the Sacrament, is to ufethis Power to Deftru&ion. 2. To ufe thisPower to thecertainand lamentableDivifion of the Church, is to ufe it to the Deftru &ion of the Church. But to enjoyn all Minifters to deny Communion to all that dare not kneel in the Reception of the Lord's Supper, is to ufe this Power, to the certain and lamenta- ble Divifionof the Church : Erga, To enjoyn all, &s. is to ufe this Power to theDeltruftion of the Church : The Major is undeniable: The MinorI provethus n. To divide by force (or conftraint) fo many Thoufands as dare not kneel in Receiving theLord's Supper, from the reft, is toufe this Power to the a&ual and lamentable Divifion of the Church. But to enjoyn all Minifters to deny them Communion, is to divide them by conftraint from the reft: Ergo, To enjoyn all, &c. is to ufe this power to the certain and lamentable Di- vifion of the Church. z. To maintain and exercife by this Power a Principle ofChurch Divifion, is to ufe thisPower to the certain and lamentable Divifion of the Church, But to enjoyn all Minifters to deny Communion to all that dare not receive kneeling, is to maintain and exercife a Principle of ChurchDivifion, (that is,fuch as is of its own nature fitted to divide it, and will effe& it). Ergo, To enjoyn all Minifters to deny Communion to all that dare not Re- ceive kneeling , is to ufe this Power to the certain and lamentable Divifion of the Church. The Minor ( which only needs proof) I prove thus : To