Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

37o The L I FE áf the ., L f BA. t a. Some have put Scorns upon the two Books of Homilies, calling them either Popular Difcourfes, or a Doctrine ufeful for thofe Times wherein they were fer forth. x;. Some have defended the whole grofs Stab ftance of Arminianifm, that Eleilo efi exfide prarvifa,That the A& of Convetfion depends upon the Concurrence of Man's Freewill; That the ¡unified Man may fall finally and totally from Grace. 14. Some have defended IJniverfal Grace, as imparted as much to Reprobates as to the Elea, and have proceeded ufgue adfalutem Etbnüorum, which the Church of England hath Anathematized. e ç. Some have abfolutely deniedOriginal Sin, and fo evacuared. the Croßof Cbrifi, as in a Difputation at. Oxon. - 16. Some have given excellive Caufe of Scandal to the Church : as being fu. fpeeted of Socinianifm. 17. Some have defended that Concupifcence is no fin, either in the habit, or firft motion. 18. Some have broacht out of Socinur a molt uncomfortable and.defperate Do- &rine, That late Repentance, that is, upon the laft Bed of Sicknefs, i, unfrúirful, at leafs to reconcile the Penitent to God. ddd unto tbefe, fame dangerous and molt reproveable Boolar. a. The ReconciliationofSancta Clara, to knit the Romiíh andProteffant in one 5. Memorand. That he be caufed to produceBifhop Watforis Book of the like Reconci- liation which he fpeaks of. z. ABook called BrevùDsfguíßtio, printed .(as it is thought) in London, and vul- garly to be-had, which impugneth the Doetrine of the Holy Trinity, and the ve- rity of Chrif's Body (which he took of the Bleffed Virgin) in Heaven, and the verity ofour -Refurre&ion. ;. A Book called Timotlieur Pbilalether ele Pace Eccleßa, which holds that every Re- ligion will fave a Man, if he holds the Covenant. Innovations in Difeipline, T. The turning of the holy Table Altar-wife, and molt commonly calling it an Altar. z. Bowing towards it, or towards the Eaft, many times, with three Congees, but ufually in everymotion, accefs, or reed's in the Church. ;. Advancing Candlefticks in many Churches upon the Altar fo called. 4. In making Canopies over the Altar focalled, with Traverfes and Curtains on each fide , and before ir. ç. In compelling all Communicants to come up before theRails, and there to Re- ceive. 6. In advancing Crucifixes and Images upon the Parafrons, or Altar-cloth, fo called. 7. In reading Come part of the Morning Prayerat the Holy Table, when there is no Communion celebrated. 8. By the Miniller's turninghis back to theWeft, and his face to the Eaft, when he pronounceth theCreed, or reads Prayers. 9. By reading the Litany inthe midi of the Body of the Church in many of the Parochial Churches. ea. Bypretending for their Innovations , the Injunetions and Advertifements of Queen Elizabeth, which are not in force, but by way of Commentary and Im- pofition, and by putting to the Liturgyprinted feecundo, tertio Edwards fexti, which the Parliament hath Reformed and laid afide. IL By offeringof Bread and Wine by the hand of the Churchwardens or others, before the Confecration of the Elements. Ia.. By having aCredentia, or Side -Table, beides the Lord's Table, for divers ufes in the Lord's Supper. t ;. By introducing an Offertory before the Communion, dallant from the giving of Alms to the Poor. 14. By