P A R T II. ReverendMr. Richard 13axter. Thelè two forementioned PartiesWere laudable-Preat:hers, and:were thehonour of theConformilts, though not heartily theirs , rd their profitable Preaching.éa ufed bo God's Providence, to keep up the Publick Intereft of Religion, and retreih the differning fort of Auditors. 3. The third fort of Conformifls, wasofthofe that were heartily fu.ch tbroughaur, And these were alto of three forts ; a. Thole that Were zealous for the Dioeeiän Party and the Caufe,and defirous toextirpate or deftroy the Nonconformìils::And there were fuppofed to be the high and fwaying Party. 2. Thofe that were .zea- lous for the Party and the Caufe materially ; but yet were more moderate (.in their privatewillies) to the Nvnconformifls, and did profefsthemfelves that they soúld not Subfcribe and Declare; if theydid not put. a more favourable fence .on: the words than that which the Nonconformilts fuppofed to be the plain fence. ;.Thole that were raw, or ignorant Readers, or unlearned Men , or fenfual, fcandaloífs Ones, who would be hot for any thing by which they might rife ot be maintain- ed. This Compofitionmade up the Body of the Conformifts in this Land, and all this Difference there was among them. II. (§ a8ç.) The Nonconformifts alfo were ofdivers forts. r.There were tome few (of my Acquaintance) who were for the old Conformity; for Eilhops, Common Prayer Book, Ceremonies, and the old :Subfcription, and against the impofing and taking of the Covenant, ( which theynever took) and against the Parliaments Wars: But they could not Subfcribe that they Affint.and Confant to all thing, now impofed ; nor could they Abfolve all others in the three Kingdoms from being obliged by the Vow and Covenant to endeavourChurch Retormation,though they would not have had them take the Vow. 2. A greater Number of the Nonconformills, or Reconcilers, of no Seet or Party, -but abhorring the very Name of Parties; who like Ignarisn's':Epifcopacy., but not the Englifh Diocefan Frame : and like what is good in Epifcopal, Presbyte- rians, or Independents;-but rejeet fomewhat as evil in them all: being of the Judgment which I have defcribed my felt to be in the beginning of this Book : that can endure a Liturgy, and likenot the Impofrtion of the Covenant but can- not Affènt and Content to all things required in the Ai, nor Abfolve threeKing= doms from.all Obligationby their Vows, to endeavourin their. Places the altera- tion of the Engldh Diocefan Form of Government: Though they doubt not but Sedition and Rebellion Ihouldbe abhorred of all, whether for Reformation or any other Pretence. ; A third fort of Nonconformitlsare thePrerbyterianr,whofe Judgment is fore- delerihed, "and rnanifefted in their Wrirings to all the World. Of thefe two lath forts (if i be not taken for a partial Witnefi) are the foberefl, and molt judici- ous, unanimous, peaceable, faithful, able, conitane Minilters in this Land, or that I have heard or read of, in the Chriflian World! Which I ant able to fay, I fpeak without refpedt of Perfons, in Obedience to my Coulkience, upon my long Experience. 4. The fourth fort are the Independents, who are.for the moll part a ferious godly People, tome of them moderate, going with Mr. .Nos"ton and the NewEngland Synod, and little differing from the moderate Presbyterians, and as well ordered as any Party that I know : But others of them, more raw, and Pelf-conceited, and addiied to Separationsand Divifons, their Zeal being greater than their Know- ledge; who have opened the Door to Anabaptift.( firlt, and then to all the other Seib. Thefe Stets are numerous, fome tolerable, and fome intolerable, and being ne- ver incorporated with, tell, are not to be reckoned with them. Manyof them ( theBebmeniftr, Fifth-Monarchy-men, Quakers, and TomeAnabaptifh)are proper Fa- naticks, looking too niuch'to Revelations within, instead of the Holy Scriptures. And thus I have truly told you of all the Sorts among us, except the Papiftr, who are faflìciently known, and are no mare of us than the other Serbs are. The Atheilts and Infidels I name not, becaufe asfig.h, they have no Patton. § e86. Next it will not be amiss if I briefly give you the Sum of their feverat Games, and the Reafons of their several Ways. I. The Confarmifls'gofeveralWayt, according to their forementioned Dille; reacts Dddá ioThofi