PART I.I. Reverend Mr. Richard Eaxter. 391 The Solemn Leabix; and Covenant. W E noblemen, tiaroni#; i,nigbtt, uen tenrent Cmi"zent,itlilr= geffea, inií:^t of fbe eulpel, anD Cutmmunß DI áifiCd [n [be AatligD011HI Of Sco[lan England, ¡I'M 1relMciy ' - bíDence of bua itbu:g unDet One ittn ,, aaD beingof oiexfoFnlfDé= Hilton, babin3 be[ole our epeß,tt, tntpat zsoD,anti the batiClÍt of tbz latntlDOUt of our 4,02D anD abtour 3ieUttt ipf :Tjël)ätdt'IrnnD l)apptneft of the latn,'t Jnletlp, anD tjiD,lpDlíerit¢,ft9tÌJffluïqíDG$= ttck Liberty, afetp, anti peace ol li)e iRitip iftnt, lbijttxt?u 00iP ittt pltbate ConDitton tt mctuaeïu : (litt) falling-to miim ttte tli3Atiletóutiiisa btocDpptott, eonfptracte, Atte, ptt ::nD paaifctortatnttiifFs of OD agatnff tje rrueitfai a a Jlafe(Cot tbeteortn ti(ates, ef daily intbefethleettingt)os It ebet uncètijá efolmättótecet iriel(g, t, MID [)ow }lmc(j their &;.age, tDulgre, ant) ;'diefumpttan are_ o( late, tefib at tbtt time increafeD anD e,rerciCeD, w(jeetìlf the Detr;nthl+rè eRatè of tbe ití fjurcb ant)ütngt)ottt of Ireland, tije Diilï>fieo eLltatt of tbt Otá4+tlj an ïltingDnm of Engiánd, ant) Olt DangerOiiS e.ftare of rbe e.brtttf11tb tlttl$t)0111 Of Scotland, are plefent an pubittk tmitfrimautrt ale lif4ie norJ ttt tart ( after other meant of ,auppfitatton, IIicttiotlnrante,A90= tenitttona anti euffetitlgt) fal tbe pleferbatiou of our fcfbet anD Cltié Religion from utter Ruffle aimDetltuttion, atroDlg a e cctrtgen Dable l,7latiee of tbefe ltngDalht in fotmer hin t, MO' aCin e ofeoD't people in other sattont,af(er latnte Deliberation, ïß liÚP anti DZtermlteD to etltr into a Mutual atti eo(ennl eague anti b3i. mint : ailment we all e u+ fcrtbë, attocub one of ut íM l)inttetfj'itrlMj our f)altt)t !WED mp,tO Vie MOMO) óOD 9 no Roam : I' Tí)attnefbail fincereip, realty anti conflnntTp, thlon_tb the ßl?rc i ofdoD, enDeabonr in our Rival piker,' anti e:;alliitgt, the Me.- ferbatton of UN ittefolmeD Religion in tbe Qijnrcij of Scotland, in iï)u aeine, fOoltijíp, Dtfttpüne anll rvobeenment, agautft our Cauunon t..1 minter,' t,l)e lZefmmation of láeltgi0il,in the l':üílfDotllt of E:r,lnn8 anti Ireland, tit Doctrine, ZZlalgjí;}, DifCtplintnnit habermment arealD tng to tût CtlolD ofOto, anti tbc Crimpleof the ben LCefollneDChar- diet. 2nD ttjaftenDeabour ta Ming tbe c2burcet of Ooti in rig tblee ilüngt)omt, to the neareft Ciailiwiffion nnD i.lnifaF+.iritp in ttettgiott, ¢onfefftan of faith, 3Falm of Cburcbßotíernment, °trcaolp foe ttAlaltbip anti 4atedht3img, Lbnt lue anti our l9ofterttp after ut, ana), no 73letljlen, libe in faith attb Lobe, the LolDmap Delight to Melt in the mitin ofnt. 2. that tue than ut litte manner, withoutCefpea of l erfcn5, ent)ea= b011t the CrCtpi'ti0n 01 paperp,l9 'iacp (tfjatiel,EfjtircU &OL'?rlimetit by tirChtiilhOpt 15ílijOpa, tt)eti: (rijaltCCltalt anti (fl.Ommtffaltr T.,;$,7, enti, yoeana anti Lbapters, Arch muona, ant) all othrr Cceleficillicai OM, tetauepentifng na that t)terarcbp) ktaperttëtion, I)ereCle; ßcbtt'm, pla= pfjarleneià, afiti wbatf0ebei' than be{ottmr t0 te contrary ro fatniD Do- mine anti tije polare of e7oD!titef0, left iie !'i?ttaite in other lment iint, anti therebp bein Danger to teceibe of tijeir Piagurt: Anp Oa the t,olD map be one, anti bit Battle one in tije tiler itingtiomt. 3' Zile fbail iroith the fame filtcerítp reatitp aito contienen in our Cc, ilerai Ziocattona, enamour lsitfi our Cnatet oi!tt itbet nn.tuatpto ppleferbe the tRtghtt anti t``+llbttepget of the :ln'tiaCnents, anti Or L.t= bertitD at the itmgt)cttlt, an,tppleferbe minDe few) the Witg't:fOaiz. (het ltM'etfon anti ;lurljozítp, i i ti3a pgefernottnn anti Dettnce of the true Religion anti lLtbcrttet ät tuo iStngtiunt#".-Ehat rite inoltb map bear loitlteft with mir iontciencet of our Lopattp, anti thar lye babe no tbougbtt ol intendant totitmittítb bit Maiettcetíuft Poll=MID0leat, ileCo. 4 ittte