Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

392 7heLIFE of the LIß.T 4. Me Mall alto with allfattijfulnefo enbeabottr the Dtfrobetp of all Cttcbao babe bun, 0 lijall be3ncenDiartc0, 8)3aifgnantu, óp ebfl lnttru= m¢lto, by Winging the .efoEmatton of 3Relfgion, Dibtatng the Ring from bio People, 0.1 one of the ftíngaomo front another, og making a- np.ffaction, of pattteo, amongft the people colttrarp to thto League anti Qobenant, @fbat thep map beblougbt to pubtick iNat, anti re. Leibe tennfgapuniMment, oo the Degree of their Dffeitceo ftjalf re= quire 01Deferbe,ol tbeeuppeam 3iunteatolfeo of both jafngaomo refpe= ctibelp, op Otero Waking power tram them fop that effect, Mall iuDge continent. neeif tbhéaipéta ttbgntb o e gaom DnnlD n he ooup eo ,t byth óó put. btbcnce of eon granteDunto rat, anti at been IatielpconcluneD, anti fetien bpboth Ipatliatnento, taleMall each one Of tto, accolDmg toour place anaúttereff, enDeabout that tbep map remain coníopneD in a firm Peace an ëtnton to all pofteritp ; ana that 3uftitc map be Done upon the toilful Dppofeto thereof, lumina expletfeD in the pFeceDent at title. 6. aleMali alto accolDing to our IDlaceo ann tallingo,in tbto cow= mein jttaufeof 3Religion, Liberty, mill peace of the latngnomo, affift ann befenb all thofe that enter into tljto Leagueanti tobenant , in the maintaining ann purfuing thereof, santi Mall not Cnffet out feìbeo ni= rettlpal iniatrecllp, by töljatfoeber tombinatton,Perfwafionof Errmmat, to be rabbet' anti tuitbtainn fromtíioMelteti anion ann Conjunction, whether to make Defection to the eonttarp patt, 01 to gibe our felbeo to a betetfable inbifferencp, 0pneutraiitp in thin taufe, which fo much eoncerneth the Vow of SOD, the ;Soonof the RingDomo,anti 'potion of theRing; 'But Man all theDapo of our ILibeo ;ealoufip anti con= itantlpcontinue therein, agatnfi all Oppofitton, ano pbomote the fame accoloingto our power,againft all 3Let0 anti 31mpeDiment0 tuIjatfoeber; enD that toe arenot able our felbeo to ftipplefo 01 intercom, we Malt reheat nabmake known, that it map be ttmelp plebentea 01 remount : áTl wbfch Cue lijali Do ao in the fight of 00. tint becaufe tljefe liingDUmo are guilty ofmanp eino anti ploboCa= tfono againit OoD, ann bio on 3eflt0 train, 00 to too mantfefi by out plefent 3Dtltreffeo ano Oangero, the .ffrmto thereof, CBE plofefo anti Declare befog ,ESDD ano the MOD, our unfelgneDDelire to be hum. bteti fol our own 00n0 anti fob the efno of there fitingoomo, efpeefalip thatCue Wake not, ao weought, battles the ineftimable benefit of the 45ofpel, that we babe not taboureD fop the purity anti power thereof, anti that we ljabe not enDea0OuteDto terrine tijlttt in our hearto, no/ to walk lootthp ofhim inour iibeo,wglCh are the taffeta ofother amino ano tranfgreffiono fo much abounntng amongfi no, MID our true anti unfelgneD purpofe, Refire, anti enDeabour fol our Cefbe%, anti all Otheto ranter our power anti charge,botb in publick anti in plibate,tnall Ontieo we owe to ODDanti Egan, to amenD our htbeo, anti each one to go be fine another in the trampleofa real l efolmation +thattbef.oramap turnatuap bio IIiIratil,anD hewn/3lnDignation,anti eftabtith tbefe thur= cgeo anti tttngDOmo ni cGwith anti peace. santi thin¢obenant Inc make in the pp:fence of salm(gbtp Cot,tbe eearcher of all hearto,with a true intention toperfolm the fame, aowe Matt anfwet at that great 3Dap When the (it) arm ofall beattoMall be Dlfclofet; t Soft humblp befeeeb= rag the Lola to itrengtben no OP WO Polpeplrft fop thin enD, anti to Nero-out an ínti feanti opbio peopé ant inch urragementto(other tagi, itian tbutcbeogroaning rattier, 01 in Danger of the poke of santicbbi, than tprannp to iopn in the fame, 0p like ßtfócfation anti tobenant, ántlthe eastáúaeeanquilltp of¢tbltg átlinßtmOanti ommpon. wealtbo. The