Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

PART II. ReverendMr. Richard Baxter. 393 The Oath and Declaration impofed upon the Lay- Conformiffs in the Corporation 46i, the Vefiry 451, &c. are as follonoeth The Oath to be taken. I A. B. do declare andbelieve, That it is not lawful upon any pretence whatfoever, to take up Arms againfl the King; and that Ido abhor that Traitero,,, Pofttion of taking Arma by bic Authorityagainfl his Perfàn, or againflthofe that are Commijóned byliebe So help one God. The Declaration to be Subfcribed. IA. B. do declare, That I hold there lyes no Obligation upon me, or anyether Pèrjir, from the Oath commonly called TheSolemn League and Covenant; and that the fame was in it Pelf an unlawful Oath, and impofed upon the Subjefts of thin Realm d$àlìoI the known Laws and Liberties of this Kingdom. All Ve(iry Men to make and Sublcribe the Declaration following. A. B. do declare, That it is not lawful upon any pretence whatfoever, to take Arms ar.ainff the King ; and that I do abhor that Traiterons Poftion oftaking Arms by 'b Authority againtl his Perfore, or againfl thole that. are Cemm0oned by him : And that I will Confirm to the Liturgy of the Church, ofEngland, a, it is now by Law eflablifhed i And 1 do declare, That I do bold there lyes noObligation upon me, or any other Perfon, fyom the a.t h commonly called, The Solemn League and Covenant, to indeavourany Change or Alteration of Government either in Church or State ; and that thefame mar in itfelat, unlawfal Oath, and ,mpofed upon the Subjefl, of this Realm againfl the known Laws and Liberties of this Kingdom. . The Declaration: thus Prefaced in the A& of Uniformity; [ Every Minifler ^-^ after frech reading thereof(hall openly andpublickly before the Congregation there of: fensbled, declare his unfeigned Agent and Confnt to the ufe ofall things in thefail Book con- tained and prefcribeel, to thefe words andno other. IA. B de here declare my unfeigned Affent and Cenfent to all and every thing contained sna prefcribed inand by the Book, Intituled, The Book of CommonPrayer and Admini- ftrat;on of the Sacraments, andother Rite, and Ceremonies of the Church, according to the vie of the Church ofEngland ; together with the ['falter or Pfalms ofDavid ; pointed as they sre to befang or laid in Churches; and the Form or Manner of Making, Ordaining, andConfecrating ofBifhops, Prift, and Deacons. The Declaration to be Subfcribed. IA. B. do declare, That it is not lawful upon any pretence whatfoever, to take Arms a- gainfl the King; and that I do abhor that Traiterons Poftion of taking Arms by bio Authority againft his Perfon, or againfl thole that are Commoonated by him ; and that I will Conform to the Liturgy of the Church of England as it is now by Law eflablifleed fAnd I do declare that I do hold there yes no Obligation upon me, or any other Perfon, rom the Oath commonly called, The Solemn League and Covenant, to endeavour any Change or Alteration ofGovernment, either in Church or State; and that the Jame was in it felf an unlawful Oath, and impofedupon the Subje/l,of this Realm, againfl the known Law, and Libertìeo.of this Kingdom. Lee The