Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

P A iL T II. ReverendMr. Richard. Baxter. the Old Conformity : And what they aim at further, when they have thus driven out all the able, faithful Minifters, God knoweth. But if we let in with them, and ufe the verymeans which they have fabricated for this very end, todeftroy the In tereft of Godlinefs, though the Aól commanded were indifferent , we are made guiltyof their Sin. But the moderate Nonconformi(ts fay, That (itch Reafons as theft are good Se; conds where the Matter is fins proved evil : but t. That Mens Ds¡Kn: are latentin their hearts, and the itrongeft Conje6tures will not fetve inftead of Proof z. Íf that it were known to, anyone of us, not by the Evidence of the thing,but by fome other Difcovery, that a lawful thing isCommanded wiofi a pernicious defign, that will not excufe us from our Obedience, unle(s it be ptobable that the Church, is like to be faxed from ruine, by our forbearance to, obey : And we may do the thing commanded without any participation of the Guilt of Mens private malici- ous Intentions. 1 307. 4. AIR, they (ay, That we have Covenanted to endeavour aReformation, and had begun it, and therefore (hall be Covenant- breakers and,1açkfliders, if we yield to any thing which was to be reformed. But here the more moderate have many Diftinetions , between things unlawful and things only inconvenient, andbetween thole that have opportunity to do bet- ter, and thole that have not, and between feldom Communion, and molt ordina- ry. And they fay that things unlawful mull not be done, whether we have cove- named againit them, or not : But for things only inexpedient or evil by a fuperable Accident, they become our Duties, and no Covenant difobligeth us from our Du- ty : and that the Covenant never was intended to oblige us to prefer no Wolhip be- fore that which is defe5iive, but only to prefer that which is better before is And that is may be a duty to Communicate fometime with a very faulty Church, in or- der to our Catholick Communion with the whole, fo be it our ordinary particular Communion be in the pure(t Church andOrder (ceeteri: paribus) that we can have. 4 ;o8. s. And another Reafon given is, That the Aggravation of the Sin of thefe Impolèrs is very great, that they have been Perlecutors heretofore, and feep and felt God's Judgments for ic, and have been convinced and intreared to return to Charity, and yet they have, with renewed Malice , it themfelves to the de- bauching of the Conlciences of the Kingdom, and to the extirpation.. of Natural Flonelty, and have banded all their Party with the Mark of Pètwjxry, Ferfidiaufaeß, and Perfeear:on, while they brand the Confciencious with the Name of Puritan:; And therefore they are a Generation ready for perdition, and certainly near fpme heavy Curie : And for us to jnyn with them that arein the way; to Wrath, is the way to be partakers of their Plagues. But the moderate fay to this, I. That the Extenuation as well asthe aggravation of their Sin mull be congdered : And that it muff be remembred, that among the Nonconformiffs there is a Party of Seetaries. that Rebelled againft all the Gover- nours that were over them, and cut off the King's Head,when they hadconquered thofe that are now againff them, in the Field, and fèqueffred their Effaces : And that fuch great Provocation may not only fublimate Malice where is findeth it, but greatly exafperate even temperate Men. z. That it's true that we muff partake with no Men in their Sins,as ever we would efcape theirPlagues : but when that which is the Impofers Sin, is becomethe Subjects Duty, God will not plague no with them for doing our Duties. 3. That it is dangerous toprefume to foretci on whomGat will bringhis Judgments in this Life, and to prefume that weare fáfe, and they are near perdition; while all things come alike to all, and the differencing Day of Judgment is not yet come. Therefore it is dangerous on fuch Prophefies, or. Pre- fumptions, or Fears ro go out of the wayof any Duty , or to avoid any lawful Communion with the Church. 4 3o9. 6. Again it isfaid, That thefe Impofztionr being the Engines of Divifion in the Church ( as Mr. Hale: himfelf affirmeth), we lhall be partakers of the Schifms if we ufe them. But the moderate fay, That indeed if we partake in the Impofrion, we partake in the Guilt of the Diviion caufed by it : But when they are Impcfed, we may do that which in it fell is lawful , without any confent to the Impobtion atall: Yea, and that which as impolèd tended: to Divifion, may, upon lappofition that it will be, and is impofed, be prabkifed fometimes as the way to Unity, and top- 4 void Divifion. Eee z 5