Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

398 The LIFE ofthe LIß.I. feffed their Sin,and begged the Prayersof the Congregation,and beenprayed for) : In a word, their Courts are meerly as Civil Courts, for Terrour , but not at all to convince Men of Sin, and bring them to Repentance and Salvation, further than fuctfi7erroar is it to do it. And note here, That the Difcipline of the Church is not Co be judged ofby theKing's Declaration concerning Ecctefiaftical Affairs, which was never executedbefore it was void, in theferefpeots : Nor yet by tome of our Reformers or Chroniclers, who tell you how it was exerciled quickly afer the Re- förrnation inKing Edward's or QueenElizabeth's days : As Halingfhead, e. g.. who telleth you of manySuffragans; and of the Piety and Diligence of their Courts and of Ecercifes called Prophelying held up at the Arch-Deacons Vibrations ( a- gäïtilt the Subvertersof which he thundereth) : But as it is in Englandat this clay, and path been this Sixty or Seventy years by-paft. . § 314. Now concerningthis -Diocefàn Frame ofGovernment, the Nan-Szifcceíber, (called Puritans by many ) do judge that iris finful and contrary to the Word of God, both in the Conftitation and in the Adwiniftration of it. And they lay upon it thefe heavy Charges, the leaft of which ifproved, is of intolerable weight. § ; t q. r. They fay, That quantum in fe it deflroyeth the Paftoral Office, which is of Divine Inflitution, and was known in the Primitive Church : for it doth de- prive the Presbyters of the third effential part of their Office : for it is clear in SCriptmre, that Chrift appointed no Presbyters, that were not fùbfervient to him in all the three parts of his Office, as Prophet, Friett and King, to Rand between the People and him in Teaching, Worfhippingand Governing : And though theAbby- al Exercife of any one part, may be Sufpended without the Deftrudion of theOf- fice, yet to the Office it felf ( which is nothing but Power and Obligation to exercife ) one part is as effential as the other : lb then they fay, that [That which deilroyeth art effential part of the Pallors or Presbyters Office, deffroyeth the Office as inli- tutedbyChrift]. But the Diocefan Bateof Government deftroyeth,be. Erg TheMajorwill not be denied : TheMinor hath two parts; r. That govern- ing Pdwer and Obligation (over the Flock ) is effential to the Office of a Pallor oy Presbyter al inllinited by Chrill. Which they prove thus ; r. The very Name of Presbyter and PaRbr denoteth the Governing Power, and was then ufed in that fence -(as ' Dr. Hammondbath well proved). z.There is nofuch thing found in all the New Teflament as a Presbyter that had not thePower of Governing his Flock Dr. Han,- as well as Teaching ir. He that can find it, let him : Dr. Hammond bath gone o- osondAn- ver all the Texts in proving it. ;. The Church long after knew no fuch Presby- notac'n ters as had not the Spiritual Government of the Flock. 4. The Papiltsconfefs that t Corso. they have the Power of the Keys in o o interiors to this day which is the S irteual a8.[.iog. Y Y f r Y i P Government. S. The fecond partof the Minor, That the Diocefta Form denieth this Go. veining Power to the Presbyters, appeareth r. By their own Confeflions : 2. By the Actual Conftimtion, difabling them, and placing the Power elfewhere: e. By the infsnceOf the forementioned Particulars, and many more : They have eve r?ië power of judging who f tall be taken into their Churches as Members by Bap- tiGü.' or COntirmed, or who luau Communicate, or who is tobe publickly Admo n#!hell; Cenfured, Excommunicated, Abfolved ; buried as a Brother dying in thrift, be. no nor what Chapter to read in the Church, nor what Garment to wear norwhat words of Prayer to put up to God : in all which they are meer Elenur"nners of other Mens Judgments, as a Cryer or fuch other Melfen. get. i 116. i. Thefècond Charge againfi this Diocefan Prelacy is, That it introdu- ceth a New Huntam Species of Presbyters or .Spiritual Officers, initead of ChriR's, which it deftrbyeìh: that is, a fort Ofmeet S«bfedPresbyters, that have no power óf GOVernmehtbut meetly to Teach and 'Worship. That this is a diftinét Species, is proved in that r. It wanteth an "effential part which the other Specie, bath. z .From the Bifhop'sown profelfron,who in the beginning of theBook ofOrdination (Subfcribed Co) do declare it plainly determined in Scripture, viz. That Bithops, Pr#efts, and Deacons are three diflin& Orders : which wad Orders is the common term to lignifie a Species of Church Officers diftinf from a weerdgree in the fame Order or Species ' That this Office is New, -is proved a. Inthat Scriptureor Antiquity never knew it. z. Dr, HammondArmor. 3n Att. Ir. and ils his -I atin Book again1 Blundell (Di( fertat.)'prefeffebh obSt it cannot be proved that cite weird Pifhep, Presbyter,. or Paßer, fign fteth in all the Scriptureany Other thand proper Bslhop orchat tjterewas any fish