Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

P A R T II. ReverendMr. Richard Baxter. 399 fuch as we now call Presbyters in Scripture times. And in his Anfwer co the LondonMinigers, he faith, That for ought he knoweth, all his Brethren of the Church of Englandare of his mind : So that Presbyters that had no Governing Power, were not in Scripture times. And though he fays that the other fort came, in before Ignatien's time, yet x. He faith not that this fort had no Governmentof the Flock , but that theywere under. the Bifhop in Government ; fo that yet they are not the fort that we are fpeaking of. 2. And he loth not prove any more. ¢ 3a7. ;. A third Charge which theybring againft our-Prelacy is , That it de- froyeth the Species or Form of particular Chinches inftituted by Chrift : The Churches. whichChrift inftitutedare [Holy Societies affociated for Perfnal holy Corn= minion undertheir particularPaflors ]: But all filch Societies aredegroyed by the Dio- cefan Frame -- Ergo it is dellruetive of theFormof particular Churches in- fituted by Chrift. They diilinguifh between [Perfonal Local Communion of Saints, byPallors and their Flocks] and Communion ofhearts only ; and Communion by Delegationor Deputies: r. We have Heart-Communion withall the Catholick Church through the World. z. Particular Churches have Communion for Concord and mutual Strength, in Synods by their Pallors or Deputies. 3. But [a holy Communion of Souls or individualPerlons, as Members ofthe fame particular Church; for publick Worlhip and a holy Life] is fpecifically diftinet from both the former, as is ap=; parent, I. By thedifinet end ; z. The diftin& manner of Communion , yea and thematter of it. And that this Form ofChurches (or Species) is overthrown by this Prelacy, t17py prove : [ The Churches ofChrift's inilitution were conífiiuted of Governing a(tors,and a Flock governed by them in Perfonal holy Communion,every Church havingits proper Pallor, or Pafors]. But filchChurches as are thus conitituted are deftroyedby our Frame of Prelacy : Ergo The Major is confeffed de fadeby Dr. Hammond (abi fupra)as io Scripture times,: and fufficiently cleared in my Treatife of Epifcopacy. Ignatius hisTefimony alone might fuffice, who faith, That [to every Church there was one Altar, and one Bifloop, with the Preibytert andDeacons bin Fellow Servants]. A Church of one Altar, and of a thoufand Altars; AChurch that is forPerfonal Communion, and a Church that hath no Perfonal Communion with her Pallor or Bithop, or with one of a hun- dred of her Fellow-Memberß, a Church whichis a Church indeed, and that which is no Church, but only a part of a Church, are more than fpecifically difinet for indeed theName is butequivocally applied to them as difin& Natures ór So- cieties. Every Church (univocally fo called in fenfu politico, as a governed. Society) bath its parsgubernans and parsgubernata to confitute it : But fo have not our Pa- ra Churches as fuch : indeed, as Oratories and Schools (as inftru &edand wor- (hippingSocieties) theyhave their Parochial Heads; but as governed Societies they have noHeads proper to themfelves, nor any at all as Churèbés, but as parts of a Church: For theDiocefan isHead of theDiocefan Church as fach , and not ofa Parochial Church as filch, but only as a part of the Diocefan Church. And as it is no Kingdom which bath no King, fo it is no Political Church which bath nd Governour or Pallor. So that Diocefans deftroy particular,Churebes, as much as in them lyethe Unlefs any will lay, that as one King; as he is perfana naturales, may be three, or twenty Kings, as perforacivilis, as related tà fevetalKingdoms ; and fo' oneBilhop, as perfora naturals's, may yet be a thoufand EécÍefialficalPerfons, as Pa- llor of fo many Churches : But thisbeing ridiculous-1 and yet faid by none that T have heard of, I !hall not fand to confute it. But were it fo, yet a Pallor that never feeth or fpeaketh to his People, nor bath' any perfonal Communion in Worfhipwith them', and this according to the Con- fitotion it felt, is notof the fame tort with a Scripture Pallor, r.The".. S. sa, t 3a Hebr. x3. t7,&e. which labour among them, and preach to them the Word ofGod, and watch for their Souls, &c. And confequently the Churches confitated by them are not of the fame Species. It is one Office perfocally to Teach, Overfee, Rule and Worfhip with them ; and another todo none of there to one óf a thoufand, but to fend tIe Churchwardens a Bookof Articles. §'3t8. 4:Afourth Charge is;That it fetteth upa 14Cv, Church-Formwhich is dnlaw- fill, infeàdof that of Chrif'sinflitution ; that is, a Diocelàn Churchconlilting of many hundred Pariflses(which none of themare Churches according to the Dioce- fan Frame, but partsof one Church) : It hath been !hewed that this Diocefan Church is ofanother Specier'thats the Parochial, one beingfor perfonal Corninnsolefl ' *Web'