428 I he LIFE of the LiB.1, are ordinarily by Proteflants taken for Fables or Untruths, and therefore not fo much as pious Inhru&ions. § 407. 2. And for thediforder anddefells of the Common Prayer, before proved, they feem but ill matter for such an unfeigned Affect and Confent. § 408. g. And for the newClaufe of the Salvation of Baptized Infants as certain by the Word ofGod, the Scruple were the left, if it were confined to the Infants of true Believers : But our Church admitteth of all Infants, even of Infidels and Heathens without difinetion, if they have but Godfathers andGodmothers; and the Canon enforceth Miniflers toBaptize them all, without exception. And when in our Publick Debate with the Bithops, I inflanced in one ofmy Parilhioners that was a profeffed Infidel, and yet faidhe would come and make the common Pro fellion for his Child for Cuhom fake; even Dr. Sanderfan the Bi- o And none of the Bithops Chop of Lincoln anfwered me*, That if there were Godfathers it eondeadifted him, but tome re- had a fufficient Title which Bifho Morley and others of them mndedhim. R .7 confirmed. Now thelè Godfathers being not Adopters nor Own- ers, we cannot fee it certain in God's Word, That all thole are faved whom they prefent to Baptism no nor whom ungodly and hypocritical Chrittians prefect : for how can the Covenant fave theChild, as the Childof a Believer, which faveth. not the Parent as a Believer himfelf : So that while unmeet Subjedts are Baptized, we cannot Stibfcribe to thisAffertion. § 409. And it is strange, that when Infant-Baptifm it felt, and commonlyPaid by thefe Men, to bea Tradition, and not commanded or found in Scripture, that yet they find it certain by the Word ofGod that Baptized Infants are faced! § 410. Butforce fay, That it is certain that all Infants ( fo dying ) are faved,and therefore all Baptized Infants. But r.Theynever (hewed us any Word ofGod,from .whence that certainty mayappear to us ! nor have they anfwered what is faid :a- gainft it. 2. And what jelling with holy Things is this, to fpeak that of the Bap- tized only which they mean of all'. As if they would perfwade People that it is force effeht of Baptifm, and priviledgeof the Childrenof the Church, which they think belongeth to all the Children of Heathens. § 4r1. Some fay that the word [All] Children is not in, and of tome its true. Anfw. The Indefinite here, according tocommon Speech, is equivalent to an Uni- verfal : [Children baptized, dying before ablualfn] is equal to debts/rev baptized:your Confciencesmull tell you, that ifyou limit it to force only, you crofs the fenceof the Compilers of the Liturgy. I am fare Dr.Gunning, who brought it in , bath publickly expreft his fence for the Salvationof all tech Infants. 412. 4. As to the Pradtice of Baptizing all Children that can have Godfathers, and ofconfirming, Adminiflring the L -d's Supper, Abfolving, Burying, &c. with un- juil Application to Perfonsunfit for ..e Sacramentsor Titles given them, we know not how to Affent and Confect to the Impofition or Form of, as long as we know that the fame Church which commandeth us toufe thofe words, cloth command us to apply them to unworthy Perfons: And how it may harden the Wicked to Per- dition, is eafily conjeátured. 413. f. And for the Ceremonies they are fo largely written about on both fides, that I need not flay hereto recite the Arguments. For my own part, as I would receive theLord'sSupper kneeling, rather then not at all, fo I have, no Censure for thofe that wear the Surplice, though I never wore ir. But that Man may adjoyn fach a HumanSacrament as theCrofs in Baptifm, to God's Sacrament, I am not fatisfied in: And cannot Affect or Confent to it, that fach a folemn dedicating Sign, thiuld be hated in God's -Publick Worlhipby Man : t. It is a (íranßent) I. magi, ufed as a means ofWorjbip : Therefore unlawful by the Second Command- ment. 2. It is a flared Human Ordinance, in God's Worfhip ; an Militated, fixed Sacramental, -dedicating Sign. 3. It is no lefs than the Covenant of Grace which it fignifieth,. yea somewhat of God's part as well as ours, and ailed by the 1inifler, andnotby the Parents, as a profefíing Sign. It fignifieth the Crofs and Sufferingsof Christ, the Groundand Seal of the Covenant on his part. And ifGod would havehad fach Sacraments ufed, he could as well have inttituted them as ha did the refl. VII. f ., r4.The 7thControversie is about Aîlual Adminifirations according to the Common prayer and Canons. r. We dare not when we give the Sacrament to. others, rc,d'c it to all thofe faithful Perlons, who fear to take it kneeling left it be Idolatry. Through I can fo take it my felf, I cannot execute fo uniuf& an Impofi- lion, as tocart out Chrift's Members upon that account, no more than to call out Children,