Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

PAR T if ReverendMr. rR.ichard Baxter, ßs5 dition, &c.. as will not permit them long to enjoy it in peace. Thefe and many . more Reafòns are againft the way of Indulgence alone. Ít is therefore molt evi- dent that the way defirable,'is firlt a Comprehenfronofas many fit Perlons as may be taken in by Law; and then a power in his Majefty to indulge the Remnant fo fax asconducethto thePeace andBenefit of Church and State. Your fecund Queftion is, What abatement It defrable for Comprehenfron? I anfwer ; Suppofe there is nó hope of the Terms of Primitive Simplicity andCa- tbolicsfm; but that we fpeakonly of what mightnow be hoped for. r. It is molt needful that the old and new Subfcriptionsand Profeffìonsof Affent and all things in theBook ofOrdination, Liturgy, and the two Arti- cles concerning thembe abated. 2. That the Declaration he abated ; efpecially as to the difobliging all other Per- fin, in theThree Kingdoms from the endeavouring in their places any lawful Alte. rations of the Government oftheChurch : And that the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy be the Tellof Mens fubjeâion. ;. That the Minifter be not bound to tile the Croft and Surplice, and read the Liturgy himfelf, if another (by whomfoever) be procured to do it : So be ithe preach not againil them. q. That ( accordingto Pope Leo III. determinationin fuch a Cafe) theBifhops doby a general Confirmation (in which each Man approveahle to have his parr, upon due trial) confirm the Ordination formerly made by lawful Paftors without Diocefans, without reordaining them. f. That what the Courts will do about Kneeling at the Receiving of the Lord'sSupper may be done by others, and not the Minifter forced to refute Men utterlyon that account. 6. It is very delrable that Oaths of Obedience to the Diocefan be forborn, as long as Men may be punifhed for Difobedience. 7. It is exceeding defirable that Reformation of Church- Government (by Stlffra- gans, and the Rural Deanries, ere.) be made according to his Majefty's Willexpref- fedinhis Declaration concerning Ecclelaftical Affairs. To your third queftion, Of 'the Extent and Terms of the Indulgence, it being to be left to his Majefty's Wifdom, I Ihall not prefume to give youmy Anfwer. 4 4z8. Inftead of Indulgence and Comprehenfon, on the lait day of rune 166 ;. the A& againft Private Meetings for Religious Exercifes pall the Houle of Com- mons, and Ihortlyafter was made a Law. The Suns of it was, That [every Perfon above fsoreen years old, who is prefent at any Meeting under colour or pretence of any Ex- ercife of Religion, inother manner than u allowed by the Liturgy er Pratïice of the Church of England, whore there are five Perfons more than that Honfhold, (hall for the fufl Of- fence by a 5uflice of Peace be Recorded, and fens to Yail three Months till he pay five pound; andfor thefecond Olènce fix Months till he pay ten pound; and the third time, being conviïled by a jury, ¡hall be banied to fame of the (American) Plantations, except- ing New - Englandor Virginia. TheCalamity of the Aet, befides the main Mat- ter was, ,. That it was made fo ambiguous, that no man that ever I met with, could tell what was a violation of it, and what not; not knowingwhat was [ al- lowed by the Liturgy or Praltife of the Church of England in Families]; becaufe the Liturgy medleth not with Families, and among the diver of Family Pra- etiee, no man knowethwhat to call the Pra&ice of the Church. 2. Becaufe fo much Power was given to the lattices óf Peace, to record a man an Offender without a Jury, and if-he did it caufelefly, we arewithout any remedy, feeing he was made a Judge: According to the plain words of the A&, if a man did but preach and pray, or read tome licenfed Book and fing Pfalms,he might have more thanfour prefent, becaufechele are allowed by the praéticeof the Church in the Church ; and the Alt feemeth togrant an Indulgence for place and number, fo be it the quality of theExercife be allowed by eh/ Church ; whichmuff bemeant [pub- lickly] becaufe it medleth with noprivate Exercife. But when it cometh to the trial; there Pleas with theJufìices are vain : and if men do but pray, it is taken fiyr granted,that it is an Exercife not allowed by theChurch ofEngland-Ad toJail they go: Kkk 2 4 4A9