Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

446 The L IFE of the 91 hoe's Cafe. crave the pardon of that Noble Lord, who delred my Anfwer might be Subfcrì- ' bed to the Cafe, becaufe Neceffity requireth more words than that Paper will well `contain. TheQueflion about the Marriage, is not Anfaun, volear ? but AnJeri debeat ? ' There is no affirming or denying withoutthefe neceflary Diftinçtions. r.Between ' a Cafe of Neceffity and of noNeceffity. z. Between a Cafe where the Motives ' are from the Publick Commodity of Church or State, and where they are only ° Perfonal or Private. 3.Between one who is otherwife fober,ingenuous andpious, ' and a faithful Lover of the Lady, and one that either betides hisOpinion is ofan ' ungodly Life, or feeketh her only toferve himfelf upon her fiate. 4.Between a Lady well grounded and fixed in Truth andGodlinef, and one that is weak and ` but of ordinary fetlednels. Hereupon I anfwer, ` Prop. r. In general, It cannot be laid to be limply and in all Cafes unlawful to marry an Infidel or Heathen; much lets a Papill. 2. In particular, It is lawful in thefe following Çafes : r Cor.7. I. InCafe of tree Neceffity : when all juif means have been ufed, andyet a9. ' the Party bath a neceffity of Marriage,and can bave no better: If you ask, Who it ' better? I anfwer, A fuitablenefs in things of greateft moment to the Party's good ' determineth that : An impious hypocritical Protefiant is worfethan a lober godly Papill ( for loch I doubt not but Come be) : But he that is found both in Judg- ' ment and in Life is better than either. ggh, 2.17. ` a. In cafe it be very likely to prove fome great Commodity to' Church or ` State. For fo I doubt not but a Proteltant Lady might marrya Papill Princeor other Perlon, on whom the Publick Good loth eminently depend ; fo be it r.That'the be fiable and ofgood Underftanding her fell: a. And like to keep fuch ` Intereft in himas may conduce to his own and the Publick Good : 3. And in ' cafe' the may not be as well difpofedof to the Good of the Publick other ways. ` When all thefe concur, the probability of Publick Utility is fo great, that the Perlon (I think) may croft God to make up PerfonalIncommodities, and pre - ' ferve the Soul who aimeth at his Glory, and keepeth in his way. ° But fmall in- ' eonfiderable Probabilities are not enough to moveone to hazard their Soul in fo I perillousa way. ' 3. Betides thefe two Cafes (of real Neceflity and Publick Utility) Iremember ` no Cafe at the prefent, in which it is lawful for fuch a Proteflant Lady to marry a Papill: At leali in the ordinary Cafe of Perlons in this Land, I take it to be ' undoubtedly finful, what hopes foever may be imagined of his Converfion : My. Reafons are theft, Gen. a.r8 ` r. A Husband is efpecially tobe a Meet -helper in Matters of the greateft mo so. ` ment : And this help is tobe daily given, in.counf lling in the things that concern r Cor. r4. ' Salvation, inlirutling in theScriptures, exciting Grace, fubduing Sin, and help- 35. ` ing the Wife in the conttant courfe ofa Holy Life, and in her preparation for iph. Death and the Life to come! And a humble Soul that is confcious of its own weaknefs; will find the needof all this Help ! which how it can be-expeEted from , rç, zo, at, a7. to ' quo who only promifeth not to difturb her in her Religion, I cannot underhand I the end. s I Ihould as loon advife her to take a Phyficianin her Sicknefs, who only promi- co1.3.16. r mifeth not to meddlewithher Health, as a Husband who only promifeth not to Hebr.3.r3. P , `-meddle with her inMatters ofReligion. . Corn. r s.6. ' z. A Husband, whkis no helper in Religion, mutt needs be a hinderer! For the very Diverfions oMe Mind from holy Things, by confiant talk of other ' Matters, will be a very great Impediment ! And as not to go forward is to go e backward, fo not to help is to hinder, in one-of fo near relation. How hard it is to keepup theLove of God, and a Delight in Hol'vlefs, and heavenly Defres, ` and a fruitful Life, evenunder the greateft Helps in the World, ,much more a- ' móng Hinderances, and efpecially ludo as are in our Bolom, and continually with us, I need not tell a humbleand felf- knowing Christian. . And of what Im- portance thefe things are, I thall not declare till I ans fpeaking toan Infidel or Impious Perfn. 3. And