Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

The L IF E of the Part. III, 7. If a Parliament, or a. Court of Juftice, declare, That the King by his Laws commandeth us to afliC theSheriffs and latices, notwithftanding any Commiffionto the contraryunder the great or little Seal ; and one thewus a Commiffton to the contrary; whichmull we take for theKing's Authority? S. Whether this extendeth to the Cafe of King John, who delivered the King- dom to the Pope ? Or, to thofe Inftances of Bdfon, Barcley, Gratin, &c. of changing theGovernment, putting by the true Heir, towhom we are Sworn in the Oath of Allegiance, &c. ifSub}e£s pretendCommiffion for filch Alts? 9. Whether Parliament, Judges in Court, or private Men, may, by the King's Authority in his Laws, defend their Lives against any that, by a pretendedCom mi(lìon invadeththem, or their Purfes, Hordes, or Companions? 10. Whether we muff take every Afirmcr to have a Commiffion, ifhe thew it not ? Or every fhewn Commiffion to be current, and not furreptitious,though con trary to Law? t t. Whether he violateth not this Oath, who fhould endeavour toalter fo much of the Legillative Power as is in the Parliament, or theExecutive, in theEftablilhed Courts ofJuftice? Or, is it meantonly of Monarchy as filch ? 12. Doth he not break this Oath, who fhould endeavour to change the Perron Go- verning, as well as he that would changethe Forni of Govermnent? 13. if fo, loth it not alto tyeusto thePerlons ofChurch -Governours ; Peeing they areequallyhere twitted, and Church-Government prepofd? 14. Is it the King's CoerciveGovernment of the Church, by the Sword, which is here meant, accordingto the Oath of Supremacy ? Or Spiritual Government by the Keys? Orboth? r s. Is it not the Ezell) Form of Church-Government by DiecelLas that is here meant ; and net fain other fort of Epilcopacy which is not here? And doth he not breakthis Oath, who infteadof a Bilhopover soo, or scoo Churches (without any inferiour Bilhop) fhould endeavour to fet up a Bishop in every great Church, or Market-Town, or as many as theWork requireth? 16. Seeing Excommunication and Ahfolution are the notable parts of Spiritual Government, and it is not only the AIdons, but the Aiors,. or Governours, that we Swear not toalter ; and Lay -Chancellors are the common Acdors or Governours; whether an endeavour to alter Lay -Chancellors Government, (asfome did thatpro- cured his Majefty's Declaration, concerning Ecclefiaftical Affairs) be not contrary to thisOath, and excludedby [any alteration ?] 17. Whether petitioning, or other peaceable means, before allowed by Law, be not [any endeavour] and a violation ofthis Oath? 1 S. Whether [not at any time, dec.] ryeus not todifobey the King, ifheGould command us, by Confieltatioa or Conference, to endeavour it? Or, ifthe Lawbe ehanged, dots: not this Oathhill bind us? Laf,y, Whether thisfollowing Seal, in which wecould take it, be the truefenfe of the Oath? I A B do Swear, That (a) it tis not Lawful uponany pretence whatfbever (b)' to take up Arms againfi the Xing: (c) And that I do abhor that Traytorous Petition, oftaking 4005e 5a hit Authority aLminfihis Perfon, or againft thofe that are Cominiffionated by him, (d) in 'purfuance ój` fuch Commiffion. And that I will not at any time endeavour any odrefatim-ofGovernment, either inChurch or State. (e) (a) In my Opinion. (b) FEW tj;4 Illtit ¡elksof his Majefty's Dominions. (e) Eirhe6 i?S Authority, or his Perfon,. theLaw forbidding both. (d) Whether it be his Parliament, CourtsofJeltice, Legal Officers, or any other Perfens atgltarirvd by his publick Laws, or his Commillion : fuppofing that no con- trariety of Laws and Commidìons (by over- fight, or otherwife) do Arm the Sub- jefisagtinfteach other. (e) I will not endeavour any alteration of State Government at all, either as to the Pcrfonof the King, or rite Species of Government, either as totheLegidative, or Executivepower, as in theKing himfelf, or his Parliament, or Eftablifloed Courts of Jnllice. And. therefore I declare, That I take all theref of this Oath, onlyin iSenfe conffì.snt with thisClaufe, implyingno alteration in the Government. And I still endeavour noalteration of the Coercive Government of the Church, as it is in the King, according to the Oath of Supremacy : Norany alienationofthe Spiritual Power