ro 'The L 1 FE of the Part IIL fuch a plain Senfe in it, as every onethat bath common Reafon uaderttands itfo, and therefore Quad neceffariofubilifelligitur non deefl. And l do not believe,that any, who propound the Qeeffions to he refolved, dothemfIves imagine, that the Par- liament had any thought of what is mentioned in the Eighth Queftion, for noun iniquum in Legepriefumendum. Upon confederation of the Aft, I apprehend the Makers thereof had an appre- henfion, that therewerethree forts of People which might have a dangerous influ- enceupon the King's Subjeets, if not rightly principled, vex. Minifters nr Preachers, School-Matters, and filch as did Tableand Board Children, and therefore did pro- vide to refrain them fróm doinghurt to theKingdom, in keeping the Miniifersout of the populous Places of the Kingdom, or wherethey were belt known, and molt likely to prevail, and -thatno Children mightbe poifoned with Principlesdeltrufive toGovernment. The Principles which they feared were thefe. t. That in fomeCafes it might be Iawful to take up Arms against the Supreme Magiftrate, at kart by a diftinktion unwarrantable, in taking up Arms againfthis Authority, against his Perfon, or filch as bedid CommilHonate. z. That private Perfons might endeavour to alter the Government in the Church or State where they lived. For the difcovery of fuck as were of there dangerous Principles, I conceive the Oath is framed, which is Effablifhed by this AR, and any who holdeth tbef Feind- pies may not fafel'y take it ; butif he hold not thefe Principles he may. End as to the Oueftions. 1. That the Words [ upon any pretence whatfoever] inthe Oathrefer onlyto thh. King himfélf. 2. That [Lawful] comprehends anyLaw obligatory. 3. That it is only according to the Opinionand judgment ofhim that takes it. g. He that bath the Lawful CommiJfion is the only Perfon that hack Authority by the King's Con-million. 6. I conceive the Sheriff. 7. That Commis&on which is according to Law. 9. I conceive they may. io. I conceive a Commi ffion muff be Ihewn, if required ; and that a furreptitions and voici Gommiffion, contrary to Law, is no Commiffion at all. 1 r. I underarm(' not the Latitude of thisQueltion; but 1 conceive theSena of the Oath is not to endeavour the Alteration of Monarchical Government in the State. 12. Though I conceive it utterly unlawful to endeavour to change the Perfonof theGovernor, yet, that being fuficiently provided against by the former Laws, I do not conceive that it was intended by the Makers ofthe Law in this partof the Oath, to intend more than theAlterationof the Government. r 3. Anfwered before; And yet ifthe PerfonoftheSupreme were included lathe State-Government, I do not conceive that it would extend to the Governoursunder him in the Church, for theymay be juftly removed in Cafe ofCrime, b'c. 04. I conceiveboth. r g. I conceive its the Englifh corm of Church Government; and yet that is no breach ofthe Oath to endeavour,in a lawful way, to make moreBishops, and leffer Bilhopricks. 16. I do not think the Oath hindeth notto endeavour to alter the ACJorsor Go- rernnrs in the Church, fo it lie done by lawful means ; and thatit is lawfl, not- withstanding the Oath, to endeavour to alter Lay-Chancellors in a lawful way. 17. I conceive it is not. 18. I conceive it doth not. There are fo many thingsput in the loft Qreftion, of the Senfe ofthe Oath, aswilt require more difeuflion, than the prefent Opportunity admits. john Fountain, Feb. 13. 1668. sir