24 Ìhe LI F E of the Part I11,. therelt : We askt him, Whether it was hisLordship's plea lime that we ihouldoffer him our Opinion of the means, or only receive what he oflè+.ed to us. Iie toldus, That he had fomewhat to offer to as ; but wemight al fo offer our own to him. I told him, That I did think wecould offer filchTerms, no way.injurious to thewelfare of any, which might take in both Presbyterians and Independents, and all found Chriftians, into the Pnblick Eftablifhed Minfi y. He anfwcrcd, That that was a thing that he would not have; but only a Toleration for the relt. Whi_h'being none of one bufinefs to debate, we defined him to confult filch perfons about it, as were concerned in it. And fo it was agreed, that weIhould meddle with the Com- prehenfion only. And a few Days after he fent ushis Propofals. § 64, Whenwe law the Propofals, we perceived that the bufinefs of the Lord Keeper, and his way, would malee it unfit forus to debate filch Cafes with himfelf And therefore we wrote to him, requefting, that he would nominate Two Learn- ed peaceableDivines to treat with us, till we agreed on the fitted Terms ; and that Dr. Bates might be added to as. He nominated Dr. Wilkins (who we then found was the Author of the Propofals, and of the whole bufinefs, and his Chaplain, Mr. Burton. And when wemet, we tendered them fortePropofals of our own, and fame Alterations which we defined in their Propofals (for they prefently rejefted ours, and would hear no more of them ; fo that we were fain to treat upon theirs alone.) § 65, The Copy of what we offeredthem is as followeth. I. That the Credenda andAgenda to Religion, being diftingued, no Profeffionof Aft fent be required, but only to the Moly, Canonical Scriptures ingeneral, and to the Creeds and 36Articles inparticular. And no Oath, Promife or Confine he required, faveonly the re- newing of the Covenant which in Baptifm we made to God, and aprom-ye of Fidelity in our Miniftry, and the Oaths of Allegiance andSupremacy to the King. And for all leffer mat- ters, let it fuffice, that the Lams may refrain us frompreaching agamJt any Eftablifhed Do- Orine, oragainft Epifeopacy. Liturgy or Ceremonies, and from all Male- Adminiftrations, or Church_Tyranny, or Injuftice aboutthe Sacraments ; and that we be punfrable according to the quality of the Offence. H. The Fire having nom caufed a Neceffiy of many morepublick Affemblies for God's Wort/lip, beftdes thole in theyetftanding Parifh-Churches, re humbly conceive that it would much conduce to there-edifying of the Churches and City, and the contenting of many, and the drawing off the people frommore private Meetings ; if a competent Nnmber of the Ruin'dCnurches beallowed to fach fiberProteftants, as -Trill repair them, with thefame li- berty and Security for poffdion, as the French and Dutch in London have their Churches; thepeople chafing their Paftars, and maintaining them: Or if his ildajefly's Bounty allot' them any Stipend, that none have that Stipend whomhis Majejlyapproveth not. And that the Palters be notfuffered to introduce there,any Hes-efie or Idolatry ; but Jhall preach theDo- Orineof the'facrcol Scriptures, not oppoftng the Dollrines or Orders of the Church, and fhai worJhip God according to the Liturgy, or the Aftembly`s Direílory, or the Reformed Li- turey offered by the Commiffioners 166o. as they define. HI. Thatall frch be capableof Benefices, who fubfcribe andpear as is aforefaid, and being of Competent Abilities, fhali he lawfully Ordained; or if already ordained, are con- firmed by the late Alt, or fhail be confirmed by any Commáffionedby his ir,'ajefty ;' they being obliged Tome time to read the Liturgy, and fometimes to ad'sinifter the Sacrament accord- ing- to it (abating the Ceremonies). :nd, to be often prefent when it is read ; which fball be ordinariy or conftantly done ; and the Sacrament adminiftred as oft as is required by Law, ty himfelf, or fame other allowed Minifler. And that theft who will only fubfcribe and firear .as a abovefaid, beingordained alfa as aforefaid, but cannot fo far conform to the Liturgy may be allowed topreach and Catechize publickly, as Ledurero, or A/fftants to fame others ; and to have fach further Liberty about the Sacraments, as by jiff Regulations nail be made fife to Religion and the publickpeace. There is another waywhich mould fatiafe almoft all ; by allowing each partyfucha Mini- flu chofe Ordination and Miniflration they do make no fcruple at ; which wouldprevent all private Churches, andperhaps all Face of Schifn among us ; which is, if in every ,Pa- rifhwhere any partyÄsffenteth from the Eftablifhedway, the Diffenters beleft at liberty, ei- ther to communicate-with any Neighbour-Parifh, or to chufe an AJJftant for the Incumbent, eohichAJfiftant(hallbe maintained by theitzfelveoi(unlefs the Incumbent will voluntarily contri- bute 5