Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

Part. III. Reverend Mr. R ichard Baxter. 2 5 bute); - °nd. Philofficiate one hall' of the Day, as the Incumbent doth the other., having leave to do it accoìdmg to the forefoid Direltory, or the Additional Liturgy offered r66o. (or at left to hive the ufe of the Church at fuch Lours as the Incumbent doth not thereoffi- ciate): The peoplereceiving the Communion from each, according to their fveral fudl- ments. And though fogreat aRupture as ours ii, cannot be curedmitt out timeinconveni- emes, which may be here objelled, yet fuch Laws may be made for the Regulation of this Liberty, as may reflrain all Petition, Contention,' andMutual Contempt, or injuries, and e- ven theNaming themfdvet Membersof diflinet Churches, as might befhewed. é 66. The Copy of the Lord Keeper's, or Dr. Wilkins'sPropofals. In order to Comprehenfion, it is Humbly Offered, 1. 7hof fuch perfons, as in the late times of dijorder have been ordainedbyPresbyters, (hill be admitted to the Exeresfe of the Minifterial Tune-lion, by the Impoftion of the Hands of the B:fhop, with this, or the like Iormof )fords : [Take thou Authority to Preach the Word of God, and to Minilterthe Sacraments in anyCongregation of theCh arch o England where thou fhalt be lawfully appointed thereunto ] An Expedient much of this Naturewasprallifed and allowedof, in the Cafe of the Catharilts and Meleliians, Vid. Peh CanonConcil. Nie. & synodical Epifileof' the fame to the Churches of Egypt, Gelafius, Cyzicenus, F:iji. Con. Nit', zd part. z. That all perfons to be admitted to any Ecclefaftical Funllion, or Dignity, or the Fm- ployment of a School-matter (after the Oathsof Allegiance and Supremacy) fhall (inftead. of all former Subfcriptions) berequired to fubfcribe this, or the like Form of Words LI A. B. dohereby profefs and declare, That I do approve the Doirines, Worthip and Go= vernment Eftablifhed in the Churchof England ; as containing allthings necelfary to Salvation ; and that 1 will notendeavour, by my felf, or anyother, direflly or indi- retlly, tobring in any Doflrine contrary to that which is fo Eftablifhed : And I do hereby promife, That I willcontinue in theCommunionof the Church of England, and will notdo any thingto difturb the Peace thereof. 3. That theGefture of Kneeling at the Sacrament, and the ufe of the Croft in Bapt,frn, andbowing at the Name of 'fetus, may be left indifferent, or may be taken away, as fhall be thought moltexpedient. 4. That in Cafe it be thought fit to review and alter the Liturgy and Canons, for thefatio- faliion of Di/fenterr, that thenevery perfon to be admitted topreach, fhall, upon hhs Inftituti- on, or Admion topreach, uponTome Lord's Day (withina time to be limited) publickly and folemny read thefaid Liturgy, and openly declare his ,rf font to the Lawfuinefs of the ufe ofit, andfhall promife, 7 hat it_Mall be confiantly ufedat the time and place accuflomed. In order to Indulgence of fuch Proteftants as cannot be comprehended under the publick Eftablilhment, it is Humbly offered, t. That fuch Proteftants may have liberty for the:Exercifeof their Religion inpublick;and at their own Charges tobuild orprocure places for theirpublick Worfhip, either within or near Towns as _hall be thought molt Expedient. z. That the Names of all fuchperfons who are to have this Liberty be Regiftred, together with the Congregations to which they belong, and the Names of their Teachers. 3. That every one admitted to this liberpr, bedifabled to bear anypublick Office, (butfhall fine for Officers of Burden. 4. And that upon fhewing aCertificate of theirbeing lifted among thole whoare indulged, they fhall befreed from fuch legalpenalties, as are tobe infli£ led on thole who do not frequent their Par-Churches. q. And fuch perfons fo indulged fhall not for their meeting in Convent-mks, be punted by Confifcationof Eftates. 6. Provided that they be obliged topay all publick Duties to thePark where they inhabit under penalty. 7. This Indulgence to Continue for three years. Dddd That