34 1 be L, t FE of the Part III That the Liturgy may be altered byomitting' - -6.c. Bwine the reading Pfalms in the Neroranflation. By appointing fume other Legtns ] out of the Canonical eriptu-e infteael of thole taken out of the- Apocrypha. By not enjoyning God- fathers and Godmothers, when either of the parents are ready to anfwer for the Chd. By omitting that claufa in the Prayer at Baptifin [Byfparitual Regeneration.] By changing that Queftion, spat thou. be baptífed, into, Wilt thou have this Child baptifed ] By omitting thofe words in the Thank) wing afterpublick and private battifra [To regenerate thas Infant by thy holy Spirit, and to receive him for thy Child by adoption. . °nd the firft Rubrick after baptifm, It is certain by God's word, &c. By changing thof words in the Ex- hortation after baptafm' [Reg enwateand Graffed into the body] into [Received into the Church of Chrift.] By not requiring reiteration of anypart of the fervice about baptifm in publick when it is evident that the Child bath been lawfully baptized in private. By omitting that Claufe in theCollett after I potion of hands in confirmation [After the Example of thy bo- ly Apoftles, and to ccrtily them by'bis ügn, of thy favour, andgracious goodnefs towards táem.] And by changing that other pafläge in the rayer before Confirmation [who haft vouch fed to regenerate, &c.] into [whohaft voucbffed to receive theft thy fervants into thy Church by ha,'- tlfri]. By omitting that claufa in the Office of Matrimony [withmybody I thee worfbip]. And that on the Co'ted [who haft confecrated, &c.] By allowing ^ani- fters fame liberty in the vtfitation of the ck, to ufe Itch other prayers as they fhail judge e.çpedrent. By changing that clauf in the prayer at burial [r'oras much as it bath pleased Almighty God ofhisgreat mercy to take to himfelf, &c.] into [Foraftuch as it bath bleared Alm hy God to take out of this World the Soul, &c.] And that claufa [In afire and cer- tain hope, &c.] into [in a full affurance of the refurrettion by our Lord iefus Chrift, who is able to change our vile, &c.] By omitting that Claufe, Wegive thee hearty thanks for that it ,bathpleafd thee to deliver this our brother out of the infortes of this fistful World.] And that other [As our hopes is that our brother doth]. By changing that Ctaufe in the Common fervice, [our finfal bodies may be made clean îy his body, &c,] into [our finful Soulsand Bodies may be cleanfed byhis precious body and blood] By not enjoyning the reading of the Commination. 'That the Liturgy may be abbreviated as to the lengthof it : Efpecially.as to manning-fervice g By omitting all t',e Refpofal prayers from [O Lord open thou our, &c.] to theLitany, and the Litany and all the prayers from [ion of God we befeech thee, &c.] t6_ [me hitnnlybefeech thee 0 Father, &c.] By not enjoyning the ufe of the Lord's Prayer above once, viz. Immediately after the abfolution, except after the Sdinìfer'sPrayer before Sermon. By using the Gloria Patri only once, viz, after the Reading Pfalms. By omitting the ve- niteexultemus, unless it be thoughtfit to put any or au of the fora feven among the finten- ces ät the beginning. -By omitting the Communion fervice, fuels times as are not Communi- on Days ' excepting the 10 Comrnandmerits, whichmy be read after the Cocedo And in- joyning the prayer, Lord have mercy upon us, and incline our hearts to keep theft Laws, only once at theEnd. By omitting the Colle$s, Epistles and Gofpels, except only onpar- ticular holidays. By inferring the .Mayers for the Parliament into the Litany immediately after the prayer for the Royal Family, in this or the like form [ -. or it may pleafe the to direri and prosper ail the,Confultations Of the Ili1h Court of Parliament, to the Advantage of thy Glory, the good of the Church, the safety, honour and welfare of our Sovereign and ljio Iïingdoms.] By omitting the two hymns in the Confecration of Bishops, and the Ordina- tion of Priefls. That after thefrfì Qaeftion in the Cateesfm, [What is your Name ?] This crony follow [When was this Name-given you?] And after that [laJ'bat was promised for you in Baptifm ?] AnJwer [Three- things werepromited for me, &c.] In the Ouefiion before theCommandmcnts it may be altered [Tau faid it waspromifedforyou,&c.] To the t a. [:Plow:mlany..,Loecaments hallo Cbrïft ordained ?] The Anfwer may be [Tiro only: Baptfm, and the Lord's Su{ per. § 6'i. Upon Confnitation wealtered their paper in fome things and added fome more (for we were 'held to thofe propofals)only. leaving the point for Toleration to be debated with our Brethren of the Congregational way : And I privately acquaint- psi Dr. Owen with the fnhftance of the bufinefs, and confülted him, that they might not fay, we neglcé&d them. Andwe offered them the following form whichwas not what we defired, but more than 4r.;Wilkins (after Bp. of Chefter) would grant rittll profellìng h;mfelf wilìsng of more, but that more would not pafs withPthe