Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

Parr 111. Reverend Mr. Richard Baxter. 3 Parliament, and fo would fruftrate all our Attemlifs.) § 68. The paper offered by -us. I. Thafe whohave been ordained only by meer Presbyters, or. the Pre'dents of their Sy. nods fhall be rnftituted, and authorized to exercife their Ninifry (and admitted toBenefices) therein in fuch manner and by Pochperfons as by bis lrlajefy fh.dl be thereto apeointed, by this form and words alone [Take, &c.] Provided that thofe who defier it, have leave to give w their profefons that they renounce not their Ordination, nor take it fora nu4ity, and that they take this, as the Magefirales Licenfe and Coniermation, and that they be not co-Jlrained to ufe any words themfelves which are not confftent with thi, profeffion. 2. All perfonstobe admittedby Ordination, Infitution,Licenfe, ór otherwife, into any Eccleftaf realfunftion and dignity, or toany preferment in either vnioefity, or to the Employ- mentof aSchoolmafer, Jhall firJl take the Oaths of Allegianceand Supremacy, and infead . of all other Oaths, Subfcriptions and Declarations (except the Ancient Vnaverfaty Oath) fhallbe required only to fubfcribe to this form of Words J. A. B. Do hereby profefs and Declare ny unfeigned affent to the truth of all the holy Canonical Scriptures, and to the Articlesof the Creed [and to the Doctrine of the Church of England contained in the 36 Articles] or [to the Doctrinal part of 'the 39' frticles of the Church ofEngland] or [exceptingonly the 3 Articles ofCeremonies and Prelacy.] And Ido hold that theDodrine,WorJhip andGovernment thereefabl /ed doth containallthings abfolueely necefaey to falvation e And I will not knowingly by my felf or any other, endeavour to bring in anyDoarinecontrary to this aforcfaid fo efabl fed. And it is my trueRefolution to boldCommunion with the Churches of England, and faithfully topre'rve the peace and bappinef thereof. Andall chofe whoare qualifiedwith abilities according to the Law, and take the Oaths and Declarations abovefaid 'hall be allowed topreach Leftures and Occafonal .` croons and to Catechize and to be prefented and admitted to anyBenefice, or to any Eeclefaaf teal, or Acade- mical promotions, or to the teachingofSchools. 3. Every perfon admitted to any Benefice with cure of Soule fhall be obligedhimfelf, on fose Lord's day, within a timepreyed to read the Liturgy appointed for that day (when it isfatisfallorily altered), and thegreatef part of it in the mean time, and tobe oftenprefint at the readingofit andfometimes to adminifer the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, accord- ing to the fail Liturgies ; And it fhall by himfelf or force other a"owed Minifer be con- fiantly ufed in his Church, and the Sacraments frequently adminifred as is requiredby the Law. 4. The 4thwas againf the Ceremonies without alteration, in their own words Jaye about bowing at the Name .' refus, as after. q. No BALI', Chancellor, sr other Ecclefaaftical Officers fhall have power to Jolene any allowed Minter, ur fufpend himabOfficio ve1 beneficio, arbitrarily, or for any caute with- out a known Law e And in cafe ofany fuch arbitrary or injurious filencing and fufpenfron therefhall be allowed an appeal to fame of his 6Yájcf4c's Courts of Jufice fo as it maybe prafecoted in a competent time, and at a tolerable expense, being both B:fiops and Presbyters andall Eeeleftaficalper/ns are under the Government of the King, andpunsable by him, for grofs and injurious male -admin f rations. 6. Though we judge it the Duty of Miuifcrs to Catechize, infiru(l, exhort direct and comfort the peopleperfonally as well aspublicky upanjuf occa/on, yet left pretended nece/ty, ofExaminationsbefore the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, or an unwarrantable firiefnefs Jhould introduce Church-Tyranny, and wrong the faithful by keeping them from the Commu- nion, let al thole beadmitted to theCommunion who fine their Infant baptifin have atyears ofdlfcretion rsanifefedto the Bifhop,or the Minters of . the Parifh Churchwhere they. live, a tolerable underfanding of the Efential pointsof Faith andGodlinefs, that is, of the Bap- tifmal Covenant, andof thenature and ufeof the Lord's Supper, and have perfonally owned before them or theChurch, the Covenant which by others theymade in Baptifm,profefng their Refolution to keep thefame, in a Faithful, Godly, Righteous, Charitable and Temporal Life, andarenot /once this profefon revolted to Atheifm, Infidelity, or Herefy, (that is the deny- ing of fame Efcntial.Article of faith) and livenot impenitently in anygrofs and fcandalous fan i And therefore in the Regìfenof each Parifh let ali their Names be written, who have ei- therbefore their Confirmation or at any othertime thus underfandrnglyowned their Baptifmal Cotenant, and a Certificate thereoffrom the Minifer of the place 'hall ferve without any further examination,for their admiJfzon to Communion in that or any other Par:fh Church inhere they (hall after live, till by the aforefaid revolts they have merited their fufpen/ion. Ddddx