Part III Révérend Mr. Richard Baxter. 3 7 the Presbyterians no Minifters. q. In a time when this bath beenfopublickly declared ; they cannot fubmit toall this without eitheea Declaration to the contrary in the Law, or.a Liberty by the Law given them to profefs their own Sénf, in the three particulars queffioned, that tjeyrenounce not their Ordination, nor takethis as Re-ordination ; nor own. the Diácefan Pre-. lacy, as dsfiinfifrom the old Epifcopacy (though they will fubmit to it.) 6. As hÿ [Inffitu- ted] we intend admittance to a Palloral Charge, or Authority to adminiffer Sacraments, we defsre that may he plainly inferted ; feing be that onlypreachetb (as Probationers maydo) bath no need ofthis, nor do any fcruple to hear him. Or ifthey do, while he bath no charge, theymelt' turn their back on him ; while a Man is a Leaureronly to weer Volunteers, there u no ufefor this. II. 1. We mention the Vniverftty, hecaufe many were turnedout of their Fellowfbips there for non fuhfcrihing, &c. 2. We wouldhave the Oaths of Allegiance andSupremacy madeneceffary, 3. Theprofiled belief the Scriptures and Creed, we take to be needful to Admittance That which was the only ancient Catholick Profeffon fhouldnot be left out of ours. 4. The profited Affont to the Dottrine of the Church ofEngland, (and not only to approve it in tantum) feemeth needful tofatisfle theSufpicioua, and toPhut out Papi hs and Hereticks from the comprebenoon. 5. Tet the word [approve] as related to the Worship and Government (though reflrsciovely) will on any Ac.ounts befcrupled; and that is need_. lefs. 6. So [abfolntely] asjoyned to [necetfary] is needful toavoid Ambiguity midjttff Scruple.. 7. The word [promife] re<fuireth fuller certainty than [refolvel doth; and it leindeth us, not to alter our qudgments, which is not in ourpower inloch a cafe. 8. The Word [continue] is a needlefs and entangling Word, and will depriveus ofthe ufeof the Indulgence, ifweshould ever change our minds. But if (as forcefay) it be only the Com- munionofFaith and Love, fuck as we owe to Neighbour-Churches; andnot Subjeaion, nor localprefnce in Worship, let that be but ex.reffed, and every foberPerfn. wits promife it. 9. To prorgife to [preferve the Peace and Happinefsof the Church] os a fuller Word than [to do nothing to difturb the peace;] andyetmore clear, andplainly relateth to thewhole Church. III. Weput [bowing at the Nameof 7efus, rather than, era.] to avoid the imputa- tionofImpiety, left we be thought to be again/ bowing, at that. Name imply, when it is but as comparatively andexclufively to others. W. t. [In cafe if it be thought fit, &c.] We mutt fuppofe it thought fit. i. This whole Vndertaking is proper o: , to them that take a Cure, and not for an eccafsonal or letLeaurer. 3. It will anfwer our Senfe if you put it thou; [Shall read the Liturgy, whew fatisfaBorily altered, and force confiderablepart 'till then, ifit bedelayed.] .p. Theprofefon of the Lawfulnefr, is but a needlefs temptation, as to him that is bound aftually to ufe it. 5. And the promife that itlhall be conftantly ufed may be hindered by ficknefs, orfo many Caftalties, that its much fifer to bind them only by a Law. 6. And 'then [the Event] only muff be expreffed [that it be shed ] by whore procu ementfever, fo it be done. I may think it unlawful toprocure another to do that, which I cannot do my fell; andyet force other may procure it. In the Second Article I forgot to tell you, That we annex the grant ofthe defired liberty, after the Subfcription, left elfeour hopes be frufirate, when we have doneall. The Reafansofthe added Articles are apparent in them ¡elves. The Sum of all our Reafans is, It is confeffed that our Plorafe willferve the Ends ofour Superiours-; andwe are certain that they will fatisfie afargreater number than the other will do, and to their greater Cafe and quierofConfceenee, that they may notfeel themfelvesflat pinchedandurea ie, and kept under de/ires offurtber changes e And we arelure that we are much better able ourfelves, to plead down Men's Objeftions ifit be thus worded, than as the other way. And wewould fain; have this no patch or palliate Cure, butfilch as may caul the now drooping Dijier.'ers, to rejoyce under the Government, and to perceive it to be their Intereff todefend it againft all Attempters ofaChange. S 7% But becaufe the grand flop in our Treaty was aboutRe-ordination, and. Dr. Wilkins Rill infEedon this, That thehfe Confciences muff be accomd,odated who took them for no Minifers who were ordained without Bithops, and force Words wore