38 The LI F E of the Parr ill. were put into their Propofals, which fcemedto fignifie a Reordination; though he denied filch a fignification, we were put togive in this following Paper. The Reafons why we cannot confent to Reordination. I. E. dare not caufelefy commnt to the ufi offudh Words as imply anuntruth, viz. ! b/ That fuch as were Ordained by Lawful Pallors and the Prefidentsoftheir. Synods, are not lawful Minifters of Chrilt, in an Eccleliafical Senfe. II. the dare not eonfent to the taking ofGod's Name in vain by ufng holy Expréfons, and a Divine Ordinance, either ni a Scenrcal Form, or to confirm an Error. 111. We dare not caufeleßygo againfl the Judgment of the Vniverfl Church ofall Ages,: who have condemned Reordtnation, as they did, Rebaptization. The Canons, called the Apoftles, depofing both the Ordainers, and the Ordained. 1V. We dare cot fo far wrong the Proteftant-Churches, no to do that which imparteth; That their.Minifiry is null, and cenfcquently all their Churches null (politically taken.) V. We- dare not fo far. -wrong all the People of England, and all other-Proteftant- Churches, dho have lived under the MiniJtry-of rater. Presbyters, or fuels Blfhops as were Ordained onlly by_Presbyters, no to tempt them to think, that all the Sacraments merenulli- ties which they received; andfo that they -arc all unchriftened or unbaptized: even Den_ mark, and t0ofe parts ofGermany, which have fonie kind ofBifbops, had theirfrft Or- dination of them by Pomeranos, and Others, that were no Poops. And molt Proteftants hold, That Baptifm is null, which is not performedby a Minifter of Chrift. Becaufe no one elfe io Authorized to deliver God'spart of the Covenant, or to receive the Covenanter, or inveft him in the Chriftian State-and Privileges. :VL We. dare not fo far ftre.nfhohen the' caufe of the Anabaptifts, as to declare that fan, That all the People of England, and all- Proteftant-Churches, as were itaptized by fort as had not'Ordination by-Diocefans, rare to be Re-baptized. VII. We dare not fo far harden the Papifts, and honour their caufe, nor tempt the People to Popery, as to from to eonfent, that .their. Churches, Minißry andBaptifm is true, and the) Proteftant Miniftry Churches and Baptifin tis frill: : Nor dare we teach them,' if Cwhiph:Godforbid) they fhould get the power of governing us, to call us all again to be Re- ordained and Fe-baptized Our 'Liturgy bidding ds to takeprivate Bap- tifm as valid, [ if the Child was Baptized by any Lawful Minifter ] intimating that elfe it is invalid :_ and that feemeth the Judgment of the Church of England. VIII. We dare not tempt any other Seeks or Vfurpers to expefl, that as oft as they canget the upper hand, we muft be.Re-ordained and Pe-baptizedat their pleafure. IX. We dare not make a Scbifm in our Congregations, by tempting the Paftors to reject molt of the Peoplefrom the Communion, as unbaptizedPerfono. X. We dare not difhonour the 1, ing and Parliamentfo far as to encourage them, to ', confirm theft Errors by an AU Of-Parliament Enalling (really) Re- ordination. And I R.. B. ïnuft profefi, . That having eight Tears ago, written a Treatife purpoflly toprove the validity of the late Ordination, by the Synods of Piesbyteries in England (though I never praftifed any my felt) and having openly calledfor fin se Coufutation of it i never could procure any to this day : And therefore am the more excufable if I err. (Though Iwas my PelfOrdained by Bfhop.) Note, That by Ordination,we'inean the-Solemn Separation of a Perfonfrom the nustz- ber of the Laity, to the Sacred Miniftry ingeneral ; andnot the defignation, appointment, or determination ofhim to this-or that particular Flock or Church; nor yet ameet Eccle- fjaftical Confirmation of hisformer Ordination, in a doubted Cafe : Nor yet the is agi- /trate's Licenfe to exercife the Saered Miniftry in-his l aminions; . All which we believe oa juft Occafion, may he freqúentlygven and reechoed And we there-hÿ profefs to confine to no MOM § ya. Betides the forefaid Alterations of their Propofals, we offered them this following Emendation of the Liturgy, containing in Tome Points lets, and in force Points more, than theirown Propofals (for in this Dr. Wilkins was not ftreight.) dir