Part III. Reverend Mr. Richard Baxter. The most necefary Alterations of the Liturgy, THat the oldPreface be reftored instead of the new one. The Order for all Priefts, Deacons, and Curates, to read the Liturgy once or twice every Day, to beput out. The Rubrick for the old Ornaments, which were inufe in the fecond Year of Edw. VI. put out. TheLord's Prayer to be ufed intirely with the Doxologies. Add" to the Rubrick before the Com- munion thus : Nor Rhall any be admit- ted to the Communion,who is grotty ig- norant of the Elfenttials of Chriltianity; or of th.t Sacrament; or who is an Atheit, Infidel, or Heretick (that is, denyeth any Ellèntial part ofReligion ). nor any that derideth Christianity, or the Holy Scriptures; or the ftri& obey- ing of God's Commands. Read the Fourth Commandment as it is in the Text, viz. God blef ed theSabbath, Day. Add to the Communion Rubrick; [None Rail be forced to Communicate ; becaufe it is a high Privilege, which the Unwilling are umvoithy of; and fo are thofe who are conscious that they live impenitently in any ferret or open hai- nous fin: And becaufe many confciona- bie Perfons, through Melancholy, or too hard thoughts of themfelves, have fo great fears of unworthy receiving, that it were like to drivethem to defpair, or diftraRion, if they are forced to it be- fore they are fatisfied. Therefore let Popery and Prophanenefs he exprelfed, by fume fitter means than this. In the Prayer before the Confecration Prayer, put out [ That our finful Bodies may be made clean by his Body, andour Souls waihed by his precious Blood, ] and put it thus : That our finful Souls and Bodies may be cleanfed by his Sacri- ficed Body and Blood. 39 Alterations very deferable alto. THE Lord's Prayer, and Gloria Patri, [eldomer ufc-d. Begin with the Prayer for thefecund Sun- day in Advent,for Divine ,?Manse; or fame other. Let none be forced tohear the Decalogue kneeling ; becaufe the ]gno"rant,who take them for Prayers, arefeandaliz.edand hardened by it. Let none be forced to ufe Godfathers at their Children Baptifin, who can (either Pa- rent) be there toperform their Duty. Or, at least, let the Godfathers be but as the ancient Sionfors; whofe Office woos, 1. attest the Parents Fidelity; 2. And topramife tobring up the Child in Chrif&an nurture, if the Parents dye, or prove definers. Besaufe Iu"iniftero fubfcribe to the 25th. Article of the Church's Doctrine, . which faith [Thole Five, commonly called Sacra- ments, that is Confirmation, dye. are not to be connted for .acraments of the Gofpet, being fuch as have grown partly of the cor- ruptfollowing ofthe Apoflles. For they have.not any viable fign or ceremony ordain- ed ofGod.) Therefore in the Colleft for Confirmation, put out [Uponwhom after the Example of the Holy Apostles, we have now laid our Hands, to certifie them by this hgn, of thy favour and gracious goodnefs toward them. . Holidays left indifferent, fave ony that all be reflraitoedfrom open labour, andcon- tempt of them. Ljpecially [Holy Inno- cents Day, St. Michael's Day, and All- Saints] becaufe there is no certainty that they were Holy Innocents. And its hafli to keep a Holiday for one Angel. And all true Chriftians being Saints, we keep Holi- days for our felves. The Book of Ordination refuted as it was. Let therehe liberty to ufe Chrift's own Form of Delivery, recited by St. Paul, z Cor. r T. changing only the Perfnn,[Take, Eat, this is Christ's Body, svhich,tre.] Let Christian Parents he permitted to offer their ownChildren to God in Ba - tifm, and enter them into the Holy Covenant, by ufing thofe Words that are now :impofed on the.Godfathers. That where 'nay Minister dare not in Confciençe Baptize the Child of proved Atheists, Infidels, grofs Hereticks, Fornicators, or other Stich notorious Sinners, asthe Canon forbïddeth us to receive to the Communion (both Parents being fich, and the Child in their power and poffeflion,) that Minift,- (hall not be forced to do it; but the Parents Rail procure fume other to do it. For