3 z The L I F, E of tf e Part LIT. For [wilt thou be Baj'tifed] put [milt thou have this Ch i Baptized] The Crefs and the Surplice left at liberty, and kneeling at the Aft of Receiv- in and bowing at the Name Defies] rather than [ChriJt, God, Ch e.] !liter Baptifm put [ Seing this Child is Sacramentally Regenerated.] And in the Prayer followingput it, [ That it bath pleafedThee Sacramentally to Regene- rate and Adopt this Infant, and to incorporatehint into thy Holy Church.] Inhead of the new Rnbrick [ it is certain by God's Word, dre.] put [TrueChri- Rian Parents have no canfe to doubt of the Salvation of their Children, dedicated to God in Baptilin, and dying before they commit any aival fin.] In the Exhortation put it thus, [Doubt not therefore, but earneftly believe, That if this Infant be fincerely dedicated to God, by thofe who have that power and trnít, God will likewife favourably receive him, "&c. Letnot Baptifm be privately adminiftred, but by a lawful Minifter, and before füfrcient Witnefíhs: and when it is evident that any was fo Baptized, let no part of the Adminihration be reiterated. Add to the Rubrick of Confirmation (or the Preface) '[And the tolerable Un_ derhanding of the fame Points, which are necefiary to Confirmation, with this owning of their. baptifmal Covenant, (hall be alío required of thofe that are not confirmed before their admillion to the holy Communion. Let it be lawful for the Miniher to put other Queftions befides thole in theCa- techifni, to help the Learners to underftand ; and alfo to tell them the meaning of the Words as he goeth along. Alterations in the Caterhifm (or another allotted.) Q[XTHat is your Name? V 9 z/. N. Q When was this Name givenyou ? A. In my Baptifm. Q, What was -'oce foryou inyour Baptifm? ;am de -v , .ed to God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft, and entred into his Holy Co ..;ant, and engaged-to take hint for my only God, my reconciled Father, my. Saviour, and my Santlifier, And to believe the Articles ofthe ChriftianFaith, and keep God's Commandments all the Days of my Life; Renouncing the Deril, and all his works, the Pomps and Vanities of this wicked World, and all thefinfnl Lulls of the .h eft. QWhat r'ercy didyou receivefrom God in this Covenant ofBaptifm? A. God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft, as my reconciled Father, my Saviour and m'! Santlifier, did forgive my Original Sin, and receive me as a Member of Chrilt, ord. of his Church, and as his Adopted Child, and Heir of Heaven. Q. Do you think that you are NOW bound to keep this Covenant, and to believe and live according to it? A. Yes, Verily, dye. Q Rehcarfe, &c. A. I Believe, d c. Q, What, &c. A. Firft, ec. Q; What be the Commandments of God, whichyou have Covenanted toobferve? A. The Ten Commandments written byGod in Stone, betides Chrifc's Precepts in the Gofpel. Q Which be the That Commandments ? After the Anfwer to [ What is thy Duty towards God?] add, [ And to keep poly the Day which he feparateth for his Worship.] In the next, let [ to bear no ,ualire, Z:c.i be put before [ to be true and jug.] In the Aüfwato the Qpeft. after the Lord's Prayer, after [all People] put [ that we may Honour and Love him, as our God; Thathis Kingdom of Grace may he fee up in our Souls, and throughout the World, and his Kingdom ofGlory may come, and that God's Law, and not Men's finful Lofts and Willsmay beobeyed, and Earth may be liker unto Heaven. And I Pray, ec.] Q loba