Part 111. Reverend Mr. Richard Baxter. 33 Q -Flow many Sacraments of the Covenant of Grace, hath Chrift Ordained in bt2 Church ? A. Two only, Baptifm, and the Supper of the Lord. Q Whatmeáneft thou; &c. A.. I mean that Solemn Covenanti ng with God, wherein there is an outward vi- fible lip, of our giving up our felves to Him, and of his giving his Grace in Chrift to us, being ordained by Chrift himfelf, asa means wherebywe receive that Grace, and a pledge to allure us' ofit. To Q What is the inwardSpiritual Grace? A. The pardonofour Sins by the Blood of Chrilt, whole Memberswe are made; and a death unto fin, &e. Q Why are Infants Baptized ? A. Becaufe they are the Children of the Faithful; to whomGod's Promifesare made, and are by them devoted unto God, to be entered into Covenant with Him, by his own appointment ; which when they come toAge, themfelves are bound to perform. After the next Anfwer add, [And for out Communion with Him, andwith his Church.] To Q What are the Benefits, &c. A. [The renewed Pardon of our Sins, and our Communion with Chrift, and his Church, by Faith and Love, and the ftrengthening, cr7c. In the Viftation of the Sick let the Minifter have leave to varyhis Prayer, as Occafons (ball require. And let the Abflution be conditional, [If thou truly believe in God the Fa- ther, Son and Holy Ghoff, and truly repenteff of thyfins, I pronounce thee abfolved, through the Sacrifice and Merits of fefue Chrrift.]_ If any who is to be kept from the Communion, for Atheìfm, Infidelity, Hereße or Impe- nitency ingrofs fin,(ball in ficknefs defire Abfolution, or the Communion : And ifany Mi- nifter intrufted with the power of the Keys, do perceive no probablefign oftrue Repentance, and therefore dare not in conference abfolve him, or give him the Sacrament, left he profane God's Ordinance, andharden the wickedin prefumptionand impenitency, let not that Mini- fter be forced to that Office againfthis confcience; but let the Fick chufé fame other, as he pleafe. And at the Burial of any who were lawfully kept from the Communion, for the fame caufes, and not abfolved, let the Minifter be at liberty to change the words thus [Forafmuch as it bath pleafed Almighty God to take out of thisworld the foul of th&sdeceafed perfora, we commit his body, &c. believing aRefurrellion of the juft and unjuft,fome to joy, andfame to pundhment] o And to leave out in the Prayer [Wegive thee hearty thanks for that it bath pleafed thee . to deliver this our brother out ofthe miferies of thisfinful world]: And in- ffead of it put [And the fouls of the wicked to wo andmifery . We befeech thee to convert us all from fin, by true and fpeedy repentance : And teach us to fend this little time in an holy and heavenly converfation, that we may be always prepared for Death and yudgmeni And ] And in the next- Collet.' to leave out [ as our hope is this our brother dotty] But in the Rubrick before Burial, inffead of [any that die unbaptized] put [anythat die unbaptized atyears ofdiferetìon]1 Thatthe Infants of Chriffian Percents who die unbap- tized, be not numbered with the Excommunicate and Self-murderers, and deniedCbrifiian Burial. Let the Pfalms in the Par - Churches be read in the laff Tranßátion. Let the Liturgy either be abbreviated, by leaving out the fhort Verfeles and Refonfes ; Or elfe let the Minifter have leave to omit them : and in times of coldor hafte, to omit fame of the Collelfs, at . he feeth caufc. In Churches where many cannot read, let the Minifter read all the Pfalms himfelf : be- caufe the confufed Voice of the multitude is feldom intelligible. Let thefhorter eonfeJlon, and the general Prayer, offered by the CommiJfioners i 66o. be infected 46 alias'es, with the Confeffon and Litany, and liberty granted fume time to ufe them. Ail things in the Canon contrary to any thing in this All to bevoid and null. Andall things repeated in any former Law, that is contrary to this Ali. 73. We infected thefe Rubricks and Orders, becaufe they gave us more hop* that the Alterations of the Liturgy would be granted, than the rei : And there- fore we thought belt to get that way as much as we could. And yet we infdted molt Lice qy