33 TheLl FEofthe Part 111. § 86. But the Minifter that offered this acknowledgment did neither pnblifh it, not give out any Copies of it, I fuppofe left they thonld be thought to be the Perfons that were opening the Door to a Toleration which fhould take iù the Papifts : For ever fine the King himfelf pnblifhed a Declaration of his purpefe to give fach a Liberty as they alto Ihonld have their part in and by the Ob- fervation of all that palled before and fine, by-ftanders made this Epitome- of their Expeelions. 1. The Papifts mutt have the Liberty of exerciing their Religion. 2. TheState malt not be reproached by it, as intending Popery. 3. TheBithops melt have no hand in it, left they be taken to intend thefame, which force of the People are already too apt tobelieve, efpecially fine they refu- fed Concórdwith the Miniffers, and are for their filencing, and fo great feveri- ties againft them. 4. ThePapifts muff not be feenin it themfelves, till they can be fare to carry it, left it flit up the Parliament and. People againftthem. 5. Therefore it mull be done by the Noncoúformifts. 6. ThePresbyterians'are four and will not. 7. The Independent Leaders are for the doing it, but they dare not fay fo, for fear of becoming odious with the Presbyterians, Parliament and People: (And they intendno goal to thePapiltsby itwhen they havedone,but to ftrengthen themfelves) Therefore they dare not appear in it till the Presbyterians join with then. 8. When thefmart of the Presbyterians is greater, it may be their Stomachs will come down : Who knowèthwhether Extremity may not force them, rather todefire apart in a common. Liberty, than to fee others have it while they lie in Goals. 9. At leaft whenthey 'wait and beg for their own Liberty, that whichis given to all others, will feemto be given chiefly in compaffion to them that were the Sufferers ; and their Necefrities will make it faid, that they werethe Codes. t o. And when it is granted, it is ease to drffingnifh, dn. And the Presbyte- tians are the backwarder onthefe two accounts, I. Whenthey are known to be the moll adverfe to Popery, and to have made their Covenant, and oppefed the Bishops, -b'c, on that account, and fufpe t the Bishops to defign again filch a Confederacy as Heylin defendeth and confelfeth, and to have promoted their fi- lencing to this end ; after all this to force thefe Sufferers to take on them the task and odiumof procuring the Papilt'sLiberty, While they that would have it, cry out against it , feeemeth to them fo intolerable an Injury, that they can- not willingly fubmit to. z. Becaufe if they had apart inn commonToleration they believe it is very cage to turn them out of itquickly, and leave the Papifts in, by foule Oath which fhail bedigeftible by a Paprft, and not by them (fach as, the oxford Oath, or force others) t t . But either they aremiltatten in fome of thefe Conclufions, or elfe thePa- pifts defile to have two Strings to their Bow. For Heylin (in Laud's Life) and i'horxdike (in three late Books) do plainly tell the World, that one Bufinefs to be done is, to open the Dodr of the Church of England fo wide; by reconci- liug means, that thePapifts mightbe the eafilier brought in to us, and may find nothing to hinder' the moderate fort from corning to our Allemblies (by the Pope's confent) and foall notesof Diftinelion may fo far ceafe. But one part of the Papifts themfelves are as high to,the Bishops, as the Bishops to us ; nothing but all wilt fern their turns : Whether they will have Wit enough to take leis at the firfi, I hope yet the Wifdom of theSuperiours will keep us from knowing , by experience. But after all this, we were as before, and the, talk of Liberty did but occafion thewriting many bitter Pamphlets againstToleration : And among others, they have gathered' out of mine and other Mens Books all that we had then faid a;aialt Liberty for .Popery, and forQakers railingagainit the Millers in the open Congregations, and this they applied now, as agaìnff a,, Toleration of our (elves; becanfethe bare name of Toleration did feem in thePeople's Ears to f rve their tarn, by fignifying the fame thing. And becaufe á the faid, hat ;lien fhould not be tolerated to. preach againff J they would thence jaffilie themfelves for not tolerating es to preach for Jefus Chriit, :.ulefi we would be deliberate Liars, and efe all their Inventions. And