Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

Parr Ill `Reverend 21/Jr. Richard Baxter. i > 7 w..-e willingof fucha thing: And is itmeant that if we Conform, they will abate to tome Conformity. 3. Prop. Let it beforbidden, &c., [about joyning in FamilyWorlhip ---] StriEt. (h) [That is let Gonventicles be allowed in all places.] r'nfro._ Yes, if needful and orderly Worlhipping God, and helping each other towards Heaven-beConventicling;'the Heathens fo called theChriftian AlTemblies. ThisStriecure more mortifyeth ourhopesof healing, than any of the reft: For we fee here thatthe Silencing and Imprifoning, and Undoing of the Minigers, will not fatisfy ; the People alto mutt have their Crofs andConventiclesmutt be Writtenon it. One would think the Limitations here put Mould have fatjsfied any man that is for Faith, Hope and Charity. t. We moved it for none but thofe that attend the Publick Affemblies. z. And fo it be not at theHours of Publick Worthip. 3. And but kw Neighbours of the fameParilh (becaufe many cannot Read, nor remember whatthey have. Read, nor help their own Families, nor underitand themfelves the Chriftian Faith.) 4. We delired this Liberty in no Exercifes, but reading the Scriptures, or Licenfed Pions Books, and repeating the Publick Sermons of their Paftors, and Praying and Singing Pfalms. 5. We motioned this much fornone but thofe that herein refufe not the Infpeftionof their Lawful Pallors, to prevent all ill Drees. 6. And for theMinifter himfelf to repeat his Sermon, or Catechize, or Inttrufthis People that will come tohim. And is this the intolerable Evil, worthy to be avoided at the rate of all our Calamities ? Are all our DiviSons better than the enduring of this? If any Limitations neceffary 'had beenomitted; I might haveexpefted to have foundthem named, which I do not. But, t'. No Man's de- nial canmake us ignorant of it, that too great a Partof the People in molt places knownot what Baptifm, Chriftianity, or the Catechifm are'; and many hundred thoufands cannot Read. z. And that few Minigers foperfonally inftrudt themas their need requireth (nor cando for fomany): or by their Iathr:Rion theyhave not cured them. 3. That to go to their Neighbours on the Lord's Day; to hear againthe Sermon, which they had forgotten; and to Praife God, and hear the Scripture, or a good Book that is Licens'd, read, loath done great good to many Souls. 4. That otherwife filch Ignorant Perfons as we fpeak of, except at Church- time, cannot fpend the Lord's Day to any Edification of themfelves or Families. 5. Men arenot hinder'd fromFeafting, Drinking, Playing togetherfrequently, and in greaterNumbers. Why then (by BilhOps) from reading the Scripture, or a Licens'd Bookor Sermon ? 6. That God bath CommandedProvoke one another to Love and togood works: Andexhort one another daily, while itis called to day, left any be hardened through the deceitfulnefaof fin; Heb. to. 24. and 3. 13. And Cornelius had his Friendswithhimin his Houfe for God'sServies, Acts I o. and Alts t a. t z. InMary'sHoufe many weregathered together praying. And we findnot that even the yews were ever forbidden it by the Pharifees themfelves : And he that Teeth his Brother have (bodily) need, and Ihutteth up the Bowels of his Compaffion from him, how dwelleth theLove of God inhim? And the needof Souls is more com- mon, and to be Compaffionated. Rules mayRegulate Charity inboth cafes ; but may forbid it, or thenecelfary Exercifes of it in neither. He !hall Perith as guilty of Murder that lets the Poor Die for want of his Relief, thohe be forbidden to relieve them, unlefs when the hurt wouldbe greater than the good. Love and Mercyare too great duties fora Bithop to null ordifpenfe with : We put no private Man on Minifterial Aftions, but in hisownplace to (hew mercy to Souls. To fay, that on this pretence Schifmatical Meetings will be held, is no more to the people than to fay, that all Errours and Wickednefs maybe kept up byPretences of Reafon, Truth, Piety, Scripture, Honeflÿ, dec. But we mug not therefore fay, Away withReafon, Truth, (re. But I hopeGod's Servants will Die rather thandeferttheir Matter's Work. 4.. Prop. I. [The greateft partof it]--- [once a Quarter]--- (of Reading the Li- turgy by L.eftures,) Stria. (i) [Why not all as well as the greateft part.? Why not always as well as once a Quarter ?] Anfw. 1. I know that here and there a word may be fcrupled (as the reading of Bell and the Dragon, or filch like)which filently path by, maketh no digurbance And I think the Scrupling of fuch a word, defervethnot that all the PeoplesSouls be Punifhed for it, with the lofs of all their Teachers Labours. z. I