Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

Its The L 1 FE of the Part III 2. I never hear one Conformift thatfaith it all And why may not one be for- bornas well as another? 3. All the Liturgy for the day will be work too long and great that weak Men that have. no Curates cannot Read all, and Preach or Catechize alfo. If you fay that Preaching and Catechizing thenmay be omitted ; I anfwer, They are God's Ordinances, and needful to Men'sSouls : And feeing Prayer and Preaching are both Duties, proportion is tobe obferved , that neither maybe (hut out: If you account the Liturgy better than Preaching, yet every parcel of it intirely is not fare of fo great worth, as to calf out Preaching for it. Rich parfons, that haveCu- rates, may, between them, do both; but fo cannot poor Countrey Minifters that are alone, and are fickly. And as to the [Always,] t. The Canon limiteth fome but to once in half a year, ( which is lefs. ) 2. The Conformable City-Preachers, that have Curates, very rarely Read it. 3. Elfe what fhould Men do with Curates if they mutt . always Read them- felves ? 4. A weak Man may do both once a Quarter, that is not able to do it every day. 4. Prop. 2.---It is fuppofed it will be done.] -- " Stria. (k) Yes, once a Quuarter, foryou would haveno Man obliged to do it afease " por all of it then neither. Anfw. Read and believe as you can. The words were [ Ifin the Congregation where he is Incumbent, thegreateft part of it appointed for that time be fometimes (as once a Quarter) ufed by leimfelf, and every Lord's-day ordinarily (unlefs Sicknefs, &c. ) either by himfelf, or by bis Curate or Affftant: ] Is every Lord's-day but once a Quar- ter ? Or can itbe every day done, and no one obliged to do it? 4. Prop. 3. Let not Chriítian Parentsbe forbidden todedicate their' Children publickly, &c. " Stria. (I) Chriftian Parents are not forbidden toKent their Children to be "Baptized : But the Church in favour to the Infants, appoints others (in cafe the "Parents lhould die, or negle&. their duty) to havea Paternal care of them, in "order to their Education, for the performance of their Baptifntal Covenant : " Thatwhich follows is not worth the Animadverting, being nothing elfe but an " Uncharitable and Scandalous Infnuation. Anf r. Read and believe what is forbidden. [ Then fball the Prieff(peak to the Godfathers and Godmothers on this wife ; Dearly Beloved---This Infant muff alfofaith- fully promife b you that are his Sureties (-- -That he will renounce the Devil, &c.] ---I demand therefore, Doff thou in the name of this Child renounce, &c. ] TheGodfathers and Godmothers mutt fay I renounce them all. Doll thou believe, &c. Anfw. All this Ifledfaftly believe. Avert. Wilt thou be Baptized in this Faith ?] Anfw. That is my defsre. Q Wilt thou obediently keep, &c. Anfw. Iwill. ---They are after to Name the Child. After the Prieft 'hallfay to the Godfathers and Godmothers ---Forasmuch at this Child bathpromifed byyou that are his Sureties to renounce--, ---to believe in God, and to (erne him- -- It soyour parts and duties to fee that this Infant be taught fo flan as he Jhall be able to learn, what a Solemn Crow, Promife and Frofeffonbe bath here made byyou, &c. ] See the refl. So that here, All the Covenanting Aaion on the Infant's part, ismade the proper work of hisSureties, calledGodfathers andGodmothers, without one wordof the Pa- rents doing it, or any part of it : And then comeththe Canon, and farther faith, ( Can. 29. ) [No Parent¡hall be urged to be prefent, nor he admitted to anfwer as God- father for bis own Child; nor any Godfather or Godmother 'hall be fuffered to make any other Anfwer or Speech, than by the Bookof Common Prayer is preferibed in that behalf. ] The Anfwiring forbidden, is the Covenanting in the Child's Name. This is exprefly forbidden the Parent ( whole and part,) and left it lhould be thought that he is one Agent with. theSureties, as he is not to £peak fo not tobe urged to beprefenr. Yet he is not forbidden to beprefent ; but he is forbidden to fpealc anyCovenanting Pro- mifeor Word. And this was it that I mentioned ; in Read of which, you fay, he may [ Prefent the Child] ---Whatever you call Prefenting, I know not, but I talkt only of Covenanting. 2. And