12 2 The L I F E ofthe Part III: neceffary Conditionof their Reception of the benefit : So that if an adult perfon, as to Baptism or the Lord's Supper, fhouldcarelefslybe afleep, or not think what he is about, or meerly not-know, not -believe, ioot-repent, you can Thew no pro- mife of your miraculous grace to him. And the Sacrament to an Infant is the fame thing, though the Aft of believing be not required of bim(elf, but of another for him. But if by ponce obicem you mean apriva!ion, that is, non-prefrare conditionem, not to believe, repent, &c. then it's true, but anambiguous deceitful phrafe. To believe is more thannot to refill : And fo tobe the Seed of the Faithful is. And I fuppofe ( by your new Rubrick ) you will fay, that every Infant in the world, ofCannibals,?-Jeathens or Infidels that is baptized (jure vet injuria, though taken by Soldiers violently by thoufands againftthe Parent's Wills ) are certainly Sanecified,and do not ponere obicem themfelves, and that the Sacrament to them is not null ; It would be needful to our fatisfadtion that you tell us what internal Attual, or habitual Grace it is that all theft have ; andprove it ; andprove that elfe it were no Sacrament. But enoughof this. Q, Now let usfee what you afcribe to theCrofs. The Matter of it is an Image, though Tranfient; of which God's Jealoufy, ex- preft in the Second Commandment bathmade us jealous, in his Worlhip : As to the Form and life. s. It is the Covenant of Chriftianity it felf, that it is about : Andit is no lefs than our Solemn Engaging, Profefng andObliging Ssgn, that we are Refolved Chriiftians, and will keep that CO: enact ; even the fame Covenant thatis folemnized alfo by Baptifm. All the Duties of the Covenant on our parts, we thusfolemnly bind our (elvestoperform valiantly tothe Death, in Terms like the Sacramentum Militare. The Canon3o. let us know that it is ufed [to dedicate Chil- drenby that Bad to leisfervice, whole benefits bellowed anthem inBaptifm the Name of tho Croftdotb reprefent : ] And [It'sart Honourabk badg whereby the Infant it Dedicated to the Service of him that Died on the Crofs] So that on the Receiver's part it wants no- thingof a Sacrament. z. That it is alfo ufed as God's Meansof Delivering no theRelative Graceof the Covenant, I conceive for thefeReafons. r. The Adult isnot toSign himfelf, butthe Minifter who is ChrisAgent (not fo much as asking, wilt thoube figned ?) loth fsgnhim with the Sign of the Crofs, in token- that hefhall not beafhatriedtoconfefsthe Faith of Chrift Crucified, and manfully to Fight under. his Banner, againft Sin, the World and the Devil, and to continueChrift sfaithful Servant andSoldier to their Live'send. Amen. z TheCrofs and theBenefits, with Chüfi Crucified, are herebyReprefented. 3. TheChurches Publick Profeilion, that this is their Dedication of the Child, im. porteth plainlyGod'sAcceptance of him that is Dedicated : For who dare offer that to God which he fuppofeth not that God Accepteth, as offered : And God's ac- ceptance of the dedicated perfon into the State, relation and benefits of Chriltanity, is the very grace onGod's part, which isefintial to a DivineSacrament ftri&ly taken. And is this no grant of federal Grace? 3. A nd that to the Adult the Crofi is a Moral means of internal and Qualitative Grace I think youwill not denyA Moral means operateth objectively, by Teaching the lntellea : by reprefenting the moving-obiett, and by Excitation of the Will: Andhow eminently is all this here intended? In General the Liturg. (of Ceremony ) faith [They arefuch as are apt to fir up the dull mindof Man to the remembranoeofhis Duty to God byfume notable and jiecial fignifìcation by which be mayhe edified.] And is this no Gracious Work ? And it is Chrifi Crucified,: andbis benefits that by the Crofs are re- prefented to this efe. And is 'not that to operate morally on mind and will ac- cordingly? And the Words tell us particularly that it is to ftir us up and obligeus to the Afìual Manful fighting under Chritt's Banner, againft fin, etc. and not be afhamed to confefs him. And is not this a moral gracious Operation? When asthe Gofpel worketh by the Ear, fo the Crofs by the Eye and Thought : It is not. Grate that theGofpcl is to work ? And is it not a meansof working it, as well as the Sacraments; Yea and in the fame fort ofCaufali y ? Doubtlefs then here is theGrace ofthe Covenant to bewrought, as well as the Duty of it promifed. 4. And laftly that it is the Symbol and Badge of our Chriftianity theCanon twice profelfcth. So that I think here is an intire third Sacrament of the. Covenant of Grace ; in-- vcntitious and liutaane, and aoto$'Crud's tnakiag And if you could- prove (as you nerer