Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

124 The L 1 F E of the Part III over : But yet I verily think, that the meaning of the Makers of the Litur- gy, and Canon was otherwife ; and I intended nomore but to enumerate them.whom wewould have Powernot to give the Sacrament to ; q. d. Not only the un- baptized (plainlyto be named) but alfo the reft following. a. If by notoriouflywicked, you mean thofe that the Bithop or Chancellour bath Excommunicated, we may keep them away : Or if the Congregation will fay, that they are offended by their Crimes , then they may be admonithed to forbear ; but if they will not forbearupon the Admonition, or at leaft will e- very time fay, that they are fully purpofed to amend (as molt wicked Men will do ) I find not by the Rubrick, that we can refufe them. ; except it be one that is obftinate in Malice, when (at that time) defined tobe reconciled ; but the Canonfeemeth .to give more Power. 3. Our Cafe is this: We know that many are profeffed.-Infidels and many underftand not whatBaptifin, or Chriftianity, or the Lord's Supper are, in the very Elfentials (in many Places I doubt the greater part of the Parifh : ) A great number live in heinous Sins, (Drunkennefs, Fornication Swearing, flan- dering, dec. ) The ignorant, and Infidels, the Miniger would initrn&, but they will not come to him , nor fpeak to him, but refufe to give him any account or anfwer. Almoft all are Baptizedan Infancy, and at Age come to Church and never owned, that the Minifter kuoweth of, their Baptifmal Covenant any otherwife. We know not that we have Power to exclude the grotty igno- rant: If we had, itmull be, if any will witnefs that his Neighbours are fo Ig- norant as to be uncapable (which what private Man can and will do ?) or elfe if they will come and faybefore others, I am fo Ignorant ; which few if any ever will, 'till God do humble them: And who will come and offend the fcandalous, by witneffmg againft them, unconitrained , though they will openly report it to one another. How few of the Infidels, Socinians, grofs Ignorants, or fcandalous here in London, are by the Witnelfes accufed to the Minifters as fuch? If wehave the molt credible Report that half our Country Parifhioners, or a quarter, (more or lets) are grofly Ignorant of the Effcntials of Chrifti anity, and we find it true by fo many ofthe fufpefted as will talk With us; we mull receive all the refs, with all the Infidels, and wicked Livers, that none will become Accufers of, thoughwe know much our felves to confirm re- port. And if they tell us, we will have nothing to do with you out of tho Pulpit , we will give you no account of our knowledge or Faith ; nay, we take you not for any of our Paflors; yet mull we do the office of a Pallor to them, and give them the Sacrament, and we are fetting up Auricular ConfeJfon, if we do but, as their Teachers, require on juft Sufpicion any account of their Knowledge, or Faith, or upon our Knowledge, offer firft perfonally to initruft them. And if we delire elfe but to fufpend our own Ad, tho they have their Appeal, we arrogate Independent Power. No wonder if under fuch Overfeers, our Pari@es be but what they are. ç Prop. n. 8. [To publilh Excommunications-- --againft hisConfcienee. " Stritb. [Againft his, viz. the Minifter's Confcience. Is not this to make eve- " ry Minifter an Independent, Ecclefiaftleal Judge? And that nòt only exclu- lively to Lay-Chancellours, but to Bithops themfelves alfo ; as appears by "the words, [or anyother.] Anfw. t. No, let the Indifferentjudge. An Ecclefiaftick Judge is qudexpublieus; but here is nothing but Yudicium difcretionisprivatum, fufpending my ownAB, and medling with no Man's elfe. Doth he judge Ecclelialtically, who fpeaketh not a word, nor medleth with the Caufe any more than any one in the Congre- gation ? z. How is he an Independent Judge where he is no yudge ? Yea, and where the Bithop, and Chancellour are the Judges, and none refifteth or controlleth them? He had not been Independent, had he made himfelf 3'udge allowing an Ap- peal. 3. Serioufly, do you take it tobe each Minifter's Dutyto pronounce all Ex- communications, and abfolutions which are fent them, without exception, or Rot ? If yea, then if Bithops again Excommunicate their own Kings (as often they