Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

Part III: 2Zeverend Mr. Richard Baxter. they have done) we melt obey, which I will not do. Or if an Arrian Ex- communicate the Orthodox ; or a Papih a Proteftant as fuch ; or aay Bithop in Malice or on falfe Accufations Excommunicate the Faithfulleft of the Flock, yea, or all theParifh, mutt we obey ? For my part, (call me as you pleafe) if yoy Excommunicate the wifeft, and molt Religious, and (otherwjfe) molt obedi- ent of my Flock, for Covenanting in Baptifm far his own Child, for refilling the Crofs, for not kneeling at the reception of the Sacrament , for reading a Chapter, or repeating a Sermon to his Family, while his Neighbours hear him, I will bear your hlencing and Prifons, rather than-pronounce that Excom- munication. Butif you allow any Exceptions, our Confeiences muff be the difcerning Judges, whether it be that excepted Cafe or not. Elfe it is no Exception. But O what Groansbefeem poor Minihers, if this be indeed their Cafe, that jail, or anja t, whatever Confcience fay againe it, we muff pronounce all Ex- communications and Abfolutions(and confequently do all fach other things) as a Lay-Chancellour, or Bithop (hall command as ; unlefs they could prove to us that God will juhifie our abfolute Obedience, how heinous foever the a-. Rion be ! This is not to be the Minihersof Chrift, no, nor of Men, but their abfolute Slaves, though to our Damnation, and our Brethren's wrong. Ifyou have any teadernefs for our Confciences, when you have enow more at hand to pro- pounce your Sentence would you not fet one to do it that doch not fermate it, and fpare a MinifÈer, that protelteth he dare not do it for fear of Dam- nation? 4 Prop. n. g. [To travel long Journeys, or negleft their Studies. ---- " Strd?. They neednot, for they may appear by Profbors. ] --- Anjw. There is force Comfort in that : But if I have a Parifhof five Thou- fand or ten Thoufand Souls (more or lets) and it prove that the tenth part of the Parilh be either Brolly ignorant of the Effentials of Chriftianity, or In- fidels, Papies, Hereticks, Schifmaticks, Drunkards, Sweaters, Ribalds, Bailers, or otherwife fcandalous, fuck as the Canon forbiddeth me to give the Sacra- ment to, and I prefent each of thefe to the Chancellour's Court, or half of them, I doubt Proftor's Fees, in the Profecution, will take up more than all the Tythes come to, and leave me neither Cloaths nor Bread. If you fay, it is not fo with others, I anfwer, I know what Men are amongwhom I have li- ved, in all places, and I know what the Canon bids me do ; but why other, Men do it not, and rave themfelves, Ì am not bound to give an account, nor yet to imitate them. And whether thefe Prof}ors will rave me handers, and plead my Caufe as the Cafe requireth, I cannot tell. 4 Prop. n, io. Let it be left to their Prudence'whom they will abfolve in Sick- nefs, and give theSacrament to in private. ] ---- "Striel. i. I know no Law that enjoyns the contrary, Afro. Par. _[After which Confef!ion the Prielt thall abfolve him (if he hum- bly and heartily defsre it) after thisfort ----J And if he will but fay thefe Words, [ I humblyand heartily define it] the Miniher bath. not Power to for- bear an abfolute abfolution. " " Stria. i. I am glad they allow the giving of the Sacrament to the Sick but that the Sick fhould chafe what Confefors,they pleafe, and confequent «ly exclude their own Minihers from the exercife of the molt proper, and molt important Alta of his Minilterial Funftion; befides that it feems to "" interfere with what is Paid in the fire word of this Paragragph, viz. That their own Minifter is belt acquainted with the Penitence or Impenitence of " his People ; betides this, I fay, It feems to be atrick todrawall Confeliions to' <. themfelves, as the Fryers havedone in the Church ofRome; frot i.,the Secular Clergy, or Parifh-Prieft in that Church, .rjm. ai 12