Parr III. 'Reverend Mr; Richard Baxter. Ouch. 1. Whether I damn any Traytor, or Murderer, Or impenitent Infidel! reedy by faring nothing of his Cafe, or not pronouncing him to be faved : And vv ,ether I Saint thofe that I bury in their own prefcribed words, any otherwife than they Saint all Men ? due¡t. a. Whether we expofe not our Miniftryto the fcorn of every Infidel, andHeretick, and Adulterer, when they can fay to us, [ What Faffe Deceivers are you, to Preach and Write Damnation againfé os, and proclaim us all faced When we die. ] Quell. 3. Whether any thing can more probably debauch the World, and keep Men from Repentance, and fo fill Hell, and damn the people, than to perfwade all Men, that every ignorant perfon, that never knewwhat Chriftianity was, eve- ry impenitent Infidel, AdultLer, or wicked perfon, is faved when they die. Doth not this give the Lieto all o Preaching the contrary to them in the Pulpit ? Do we not Teach themnot to believe es? Or elf it.difableth usfrom tellingthem, that there is any Hell for them hereafter. If you fay, we prefume that they Repent; I Anfwer, If it be prefumed that all Men repent at laft, and are la- ved, even they that make no profeffion of any Repentance, but jüflifie their Infide- lity, or Herelie, or Schifn, or die in the AD, or inutter Ignorance, as a Heathen, thenwhy may we not prefüme the like of all the World, and fo lay by the Go- spel, and all our talk of future punifhment ? Quell. 4. And is he worthy to be traitd with theCare of Souls, as a Minifter of Curia, that may not he trufted (I fay not, to jpeak, but) to júfpendone word at any time, which is thus Written for him to fay? Judge, by this ( with the Offices of Baptifm, Confirmation, Communion and Abfolution) what is a Priefk's Office under fuch $ilhops, and whether he have the Pastoral Power, either inde- pendently, or dependently at all. 4. Prop. n. It. Let no Minifter be forced to deny the Communion to godly perlons, that think it unlawful tokneel. , "Stria. [ Why may not our Church forbid the givingof it to thole that will "notkneel, as well as the Presbyterians here and inHolland, forbid the givingof it "to thole thatwill not fit? ] Artfw. 1. I never knew one Presbyterian here that did fo : And their Directory did not fo. And if any one should do fo, I am lure it is a rare Perlon. And the Author of thefe words is no liker toknow them than I. This therefore was not well laid. z. Whether they in Holland do fo, I knownot : But if they do, Doyou think it well? I think otherwife, and all Nonconformifts that I converfe with. We take not a gefture to becrime enough to cut oftMen from Communion with the Church. And if you think otherwife, or dull Excommunicate a Man for being Lame, or having the Goat inhis knees,Why mull we all needspractifeas you judge and execute fo cruel a Sentence, any more than kill men when-ever yon bid us 't The Canon bath no Exception, Can. r. [No Minifter, mhenbe eelebrateth the Com- munion, (hall wittingly adminifter the fame to any but to Ju b as kneel,. under pain ofSuf- pen . on.] 4. Prop. n. Iz. Let Minifters Save- leave to open ,the meaning of the Cate- chifm -- (It is much to be wilh'd that it were amended.) "Strict. I. I know no which forbids them todo fo.] Anfm. z. That it is good news : fome think fo : And others think, that the Rubrick and Canon, Commanding them toTeach perlons the Catechifm, meaneth, that wemutt only teach them the words: And I remember the Articles in Par- liament, against Bilhop Pierce, contained, that amongother things, that heforbad Minifters Expounding- the Catechifine in the Afternoon, laying, it was as bad as Preaching. And the Sence,as to us, will be, what *are theBilhop. " Strict. 2. I know no need it bath- ofmending nor who are wife enough to a- a mend it. Anfm. I am lorry for it; but cannot help it. 4. Prop. id. [---Some few quickeningwords of Exhortation---] c," Strict. 3. Thewords prefcribed both in Baptifm andthe Euchariff, are quick- eningenough, and more edifying perhaps andCafe, than anÉxtemporary fancy o< canadd unto them. ] advfm. u. You .