Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

28 The L 1 FE of the Part Ill Anfa. s. You know not what is molt quickening and edifying to all other men, To well, as force know what is fo to themfelves. z. All that know Humane Nature,know, that Cultomarinefs dulleth, and the fife of words many hundred times over ufually affe& lefs than when there is force va- riation ; though it were to be willst it were not fo. 3. Why mutt anExtemporary fancy needs be the Author ? May not a man pre- meditate a few fentreras as well as a fermon ? Or if it were ex tempore is he fit to be a Preacher that cannot fpeak a few fentences on fo great a fubje&, with fafeand ed ifying words ? 4. Is it unfafer to give a Preacher leaveto utter a few Sentences of the Sacra- ment at the Delivery, than to Preach a whole Sermon of it ? And is he not e- qually refponfible for both ? But we infift not on this, as if we could not Adini- niner without it. Prop. 4. n. t 3.] The Surplice indifferent in the Parilh Churches---] " Strict. I had rather that, or any other of the Ceremonies fhould be taken a- "way quite, than left indifferent : for that would be to eltablilh Schifm bya Law, " and tobring it into the Church in Readof excluding it outof the Church ; which, "of two Evils is much the leffer. ] Ark,^ i think not : for we fee things left indifferent make no Schifin : One ufeth the Surplice in the Pulpit, and another not : One Prayeth before Sermon, And anotheronly bids them Pray : One Prayeth after Sermon,and another not : One at the Singing of Pfalms doth fit, another stand ; and it maketh no Schifm. And the Convocation, 1640, Commend Indifferency about Bowing towards the Altar : Therefore that Convocation was not of your mind. But either waywill ferveus. Prop. 5. -- -[Not [to renounce their Ordination ] or be Re-ordain'd --] " Strict. They are not : Neither doth their Re-ordaining imply that they are : " but only that they arenot fufficiently qualified to Officiate in our Church.] Auf. What Qualification is it that that they want? Generals here decides not the Cafe. If it be only the Qualification of Legal Authority, or Licenfe, Why will not the giving ofthat qualifie them? Or what neceffity is there of Re=Ordi- nation? But when you, as well as we, profefs, that Re-ordination, when real, is unlawful, and yet you require their Ordination de Nova, which they call Re-ordina- tion, Doth not this tell the World that you take the fish for null? 6. Prop. [ No Excommunicate Perron, as fach, to be Imprifon'd and Undone, but filch whofe Crimes deferve it. Strict. Contempt of Authority is one of the greaten Crimes and for that it " is that men are Excommunicatedfist, and afterwards Imprifon'd. Why doth " not this Exception he against fuch asare Outlawed in theChancery, as well as a- " gainn theft that are Excommunicated ? Anfa. Becaufe the taufe differeth. E. g. I believe I have had multitudes with me Conformableas well as others, who being of timerous, or melancholy Coniti- tutions, and under Temptations and Trouble of Mind, dare not receive theSa- crament, for fear of doing it unworthily, and of eating and drinking Damnati- on, and the Devil entring into them, ( according to the words of the Liturgy which affright them: ) and they never Communicated in their Lives (at above 30years of Age, ) and have oft been going, and never durE venture : , One of them was with mewithin this hour : Some that have ventured have fain Diftra&- ed, andforce near it byTerror andTemptations': You can tell them reafon againft all this : And focan I, and have done it as like as oft as molt of your Curates : and yet they are Uncured. And I muff not fay how Iittle is done in too many places to cure their Ignorance, or Timeroefnefs, which is the cafe. And are you fore that all thefe poor troubled timerous Souls are worthy of utter ruine as Contemners of Authority ? For not Communicating they muff be Excommuni- cated, and after Imprifon'd, andundone in the World, even during life, unlefs they can be changed by you. EveryMan deferveth not utter rain, who doth not all the good that he can do. But can fuck a perfonchange their own minds and fears, beanie you give them reafon for it? I know they cannot. And when Chrin tenderly .carrieth his Lambs in his Arms, and will not break a bruifed Reed ; Shall I, in his Name, as his Minifter, Excommunicate them, and deliver them.