Baxter - BX5207 B3 A2 1696

3 o . The LIFE of the . Part IIIe neceífary than his Diftionour and fhame can be to the Order of that particular. Church. z. And a fufpending of the Paftor's A& of deliveringhim the Sacrament, with ,an humble admonition., mvy better attain the Lawful end. 3. Chrift himfelf bath oft taught us this Expolition of his 'Law. When he did eat with Publicansand finners, he preferred their repentance, before the pofitive Order cf not being familiar with fach, as being never intended in fach a Cafe. When the Difciples pluck't the Ears of Corn, and himfelf cured the lick on the Sabbath day, he proveth that the politise Law of Relt was intended to give place to the Moral Lawof Neceffity andCharity, and proveth it by the inflame of David and the Officiating Priefts ; and twice fendeth the contrary minded Pharifees to learn what that neaneth, Iwill have mercy (a Natural Duty ) and not ( at that time ) facriflce (a pofitive inaitration : ), And they, that will pretend a pohtive Lamcf Order for a Congregation, to the difhononring of Kings and Judges; and Ma- giftrates, and making them contemptible, and fo unable to govern, do Phatifaically fet up Pofitives againft natural moral Unties. By which means Popes and Patri- archs and other Prelates, have wronged Princes,and troubled the world too much already. Do you no better julifie the Common Pander, howmush the NÓ11- conformifts are againft the honour of Magiftrates in comparifon cf the Church of England. I know fome Non-conformìlls think as you : but others do not. See the old Non-conformifts judgment againit excommunicating Kings in a Latin Treat, De vera &Gamins Chrif:. Relig. couthore Miniftro Anglo An. 1618. peg. z80. 4. Moreover, the execution ofthe fentence of Excommunication on Princes and Rulers, will lefsconfR with the honour that is due to them, than the Sentenceit Pelf : For to avoid them that theymay be afhamed, to turn away from, not to be fami- liar with them, to keep them out of the Church at all God's Special Church-worfhip, are things that we cannot do, without negle& of much of our duty to them ; Ws mutt attend then and obey them with honour : I know a General Council bath, forbiddenBithops to carry themfelves .with Lomlinef at the tables and in the pre- fenceof Princes and great men ; An_d I know that fame think that Excommunicate Princes haveforfeited their honour and it is lawful to dilhonour them, yeaand all wicked Princeswho deferve Excommunication ; and I know Mr. Hooker inhisEcelef. Polit. faith, that it is fuppofed that a Prince that is the Headof a Chriftian Churchbe himfelf a Chriftian : But all thefu are Errours tending to the fubverfion of Order and Government ; And the Higher Powerswhom God's Spirit commandeth us to honour and be fubjea to, were Nero and the Roman Senate,- and other Enemies of Chriftianity ; even Idolatrous Heathens. And if thefe muff be honoured, much more a Chriftian King or Judge, who were he a private man, might deferve an Ex- communication. At leaft I hope that the Writ de Excommunicato Caliendo Stall tot beilhiited out againft the King or his Judges, ( thoughthe Canon.6q. command that every fix months in Cathedrals and Panfh-Churches the Excommunications he declared, of thofe that obftinately refufe to frequent the Divine Service eftabli- flied by public] Authority, and thofe ( efpecially of the better fort and Condition) *ho for notorious contumacy , or other notable Crimes Rand Excommuni- cate,&c. ] ) Though theBetter fort are tingled out efpecially for the Sentence and Stame, yet if it Ihould be judges and Sheriff, who Stall Judge and apprehend them? Prop. id. [Not filence, fufpend, &c. Arbitrary, but by a known Law. ] " Stria. No Bithops do or can do fo ; Neither is there any Lawor Canon to " that purpofe that I know of. ,Infra. I am loth to Name Inftances lea it provoke : Mr.Fotter is dead : Dr. Willes ofKingftonnow Chaplain to the King ( they fay,) I am fore hath complainedmuch of his fitfpenfon at Shadweli : I remember Bilhop Reighnolds wasfo fenfible of the neccffity of this Provifion, that-nt the Savoy Treaty, he was moR carneft to have that it manetit themashen faf_r-ended not may it is feeksf ignorance remedyl(uulefs iñ vam_ or to their undoing. ) Pofrforist. If Sacraments were left free, &e. It would tab in theIndependents,&c.] " Suitt. If Independentsmay be taken in by us now, why did not you take thorn t