Fart III 7everend Mr. Richard Baxter. '13 " is,for all, that are taken into the Church, tofobmit to one and the fame Role, " as well inAgendis as Credendos, as well in ciresonTantials and ceremonials, as " iii Subftantials and Esfentials; as well in the manner, as the matter of Religi- " ousWorship. Anf, s. And who !hall make that Rule ? The Bishops ! And who !hall be Whops ? You ! And fo the Sum is, Theonly certain, and fafe way of Healing, is, for no Man to differ from our Judgmentor Wi!1 in our Agendis, or Credendo, Circumftance or Subfhance, manner or matter ofWorihip, nor fay a Word to God in publick, but what we write down for him, or-allow him. What Seetary would not be filch a Healer ? 2. But 1 am furry that any Chriftian, much more Pastors, can believe that -ever all the Church will be fisch Idolizers of Man, as to ftretch their Confci- ences toown all that for matter,and manner, fisbltance, or Circnmftance he shall prefcribe ; or elfe will all be fo ripe in Knowledge, as all to knowwhich are the right Modes and Circumftances, and fo come to be of one mind. The Church of Rome had not needed Inquisitions, Flames, and Racks, nor loft' fo many Kingdoms if this could have been done. But if ever the Churchbe heat- ed by Men of your Opinion, by this which you account the only way, neither God nor Reafon have herein fpoken by me. Wonderful ! thatnear one Thou- find three Hundred Years Experience of the Churches dothnot convince you, and teach you better. " " Strio.For though an Agreement in the Esfentials onlybe enough to make any *Mena Member of the Catholick, or univerfal Church, yetis it not e- nough to make a Man a Member of this or that particular National Church: For all the Reformed Churches agree (asappears by the Carper Confeffionum) in the Esléntials of Faith and Worship; and therefore in that refpeft they are all Members of the Church-Catholick; but they do not agree, eitherin " the fame form of Government or in the fame outward form of Worship ; " or in the fame Ecclefaftical Difcipline, or in the fameRites and Ceremonies s " And it is the Agreement in fuck things as there, as well as in E!lintiala, " which conftitutes, and giveth Denomination to the feveral National Church- " es ; which, all of them taken together, do make up the ChurchCatholick : This to make up ont Member of the French, Dutyi, or any other Reform- " ed Churches, it is not enough to be a Catholick, no nor a Proteftant-Ca- " tholick neither ; but he muff fubfcribe, and conform not only in point of Judgment to their Confeffion of Faith, but in point of Praftice alto to all their Rules, Orders, and 'Ufages, in Preaching, Praying, Adminiftration of " the Sacraments, and all External Rites, and Ceremonies prefcribed by publick " Authority, to be ufed in the publick Worship of God for the more fo- " lemn, more unanimous, more decent, and more edifying performance of the fame ; which, if any Man, upon any pretence whatfoever, refufe to do, he can- "not be of fuch or fucha National Church, where a Conformity tò all fuck things is indifpenfably required of all that will be of or continue in the a- " forefaidrefpe Eve Churches. Ana is it not as Lawful andreafonable for our " Church toprefcribe Conditions of her, Communion, to thofe that will be of " it, and continue in it, as it is for any other of the Reformed Churches to " prefcribe to thofe that are of theirs? Anf. I. It's well that Chrift is more merciful than Men : His cafe Yokeand light Burden, Mat, t 1. 29. and the neceffary .things, .A?. is. is, enough to make Men Members of him, and his Body the ChurchCatholick, that they may be raved : But he that will be of a National Church must bear and do no Man knowswhat! z. But how will this !landwith Chrìft's Cätholick laws? A true Catholick Cbri- fian !hall be faced : But he that is, no more with you, is guilty of one of the greatest Crimes, viz. Contempt of your Authority; and can he then be Saved? Chrifl's Catholick Members muff love; honour, and cherilh eachother: But with you, he that obeyethyou not in everyWord, Mode, and circumftance, or ceremony, is to be filenced, andperfecuted: Clues Laws . are ,, that he that